Michael Ramirez for August 18, 2018

  1. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    You poor snowflakes. You’ve been calling yourself the “greatest country in the world” for years. Now when it is questioned, you all buckle under and cry. You are not THAT great, and never have been that great. Your country is a well developed and free country, but so are many other countries. Those other developed countries have public healthcare systems, much less mass shootings, and less jailed citizens. And, they also have a free press. Your country is now under attack by not only a foreign government, but also by your own government. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!

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  2. Poncho cropped
    Paunch  almost 6 years ago

    Get your vocabulary straight. You whine, we call you a “snowflake,” and you cry some more and call us Hitler.

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    Ontman  almost 6 years ago

    It’s ironic that Mr. Ramirez appears on the same GoComics page as Reality Check.

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    Gen.Flashman  almost 6 years ago

    When trump was defending Putin on Bill OReily

    “But he’s a killer,” O’Reilly said to Trump.“There are a lot of killers. You think our country’s so innocent?” Trump replied.He continued, "I think our country does plenty of killing

    Then at Helsinki Trump said the US was “stupid” and the cause for bad relations with Russia.

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    twclix  almost 6 years ago

    When a liar and mob boss is in the White House, it’s everyone’s business. Even the willfully ignorant and uneducated.

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    piobaire  almost 6 years ago

    alwaysright wrote:

    “And to whoever wrote the first post…..mind your own business.”

    Given the effect that the president of the United States has on the rest of the world, it is Say What Now?‘s business, and everyone else’s too.

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    NRHAWK Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    While I don’t like what Cuomo said I also cannot dispute any of the truths he spoke. If you want a snap shot of how great we are as a country just look at our education system. Machio Kaku, one our top physicists, pointed out that we are now competing at the Third World level in education and that the only thing driving our technology and now limited prosperity is the H-1B (Genius Visa) because almost all PHD candidates in this country are foreign born. So, what happens when they decide to go home taking their expertise with them? Cuomo’s words might have sounded cruel but we should take them as a wake-up call to do better.

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  8. Guy fawkes
    Guy Fawkes  almost 6 years ago

    Mr. Cuomo has done us all a ‘great’ public service, (he isn’t the one anyhow) firing some of the first shots in the 2020 presidential campaign and providing other primary candidates with a cautionary example of just how to pee on one’s own coals.

    Spewing negative bald facts really doesn’t cut it. Previously, some of Tяump’s supporters were deplorable, but publicly stating that probably cost a majority of voters two Supreme Court picks and the stars know what else. Discretion is crucial.

    New voters (as well as the 90 million ‘refuse to’ and swing voters) clearly respond well to positive messages describing plans and practices that will help us all and move progress along. We already know we live in a world of filth. What about we hear some ideas on how to get clean?

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    DonnyTwoScoops  almost 6 years ago

    Of course Trump just spent two years campaigning saying America wasn’t great.

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  10. Guy fawkes
    Guy Fawkes  almost 6 years ago

    @alwaysright – That’s as fine a piece of hogwash propaganda as I’ve seen on these boards. Congrats- or something.


    alwaysright – Nope. It’s too late for that. Republicans have been hiding their true nature for decades, The facade has fallen. The mask is off. People see the extreme right for who they truly are

    un-American isn’t what the majority wants to vote for. There’s an art form to telling people that things need improvement without condemning the entire concept of the country – judicial equality, political & social compromise, free press, rule of law, self-governance by majority vote, a nation of immigrants, etc.

    Throwing the baby out with the bathwater is bad advice. The Republican’s radical base isn’t about to tone down the rhetoric. What Cuomo said is bolstering the anti-anything that’s not Tяump sanctioned crowd, as your posts here show.

    The vast majority of Americans privately think what they think about their country – we have no way of measuring that quotient other than anecdotal examples that all sorts of citizens prefer to live here as opposed to somewhere else, yet understand that there can always be improvement. I know the Republican Party has gone too far. Let’s vote on it!

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  11. Ahl13 3x4
    Andylit Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Come on people. Just call it what it is. An unforced error. Cuomo stepped on his willy regardless of what he actually meant. This single clip effectively ends any possible chance at the WH in 2020.

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    piobaire  almost 6 years ago

    ^alwaysright said:

    “Gee, a country with so much influence certainly sounds great to me! As for others minding their own business, well ……..when these parasitic nations and peoples start pulling their own weight then their opinions might matter. There isn’t a single nation with “public” healthcare systems that could afford it without the security the US provides them. Their healthcare system is subsidized by the American taxpayer and all they can do is criticize. As for the rest of what’s his name complaints, all can be traced back to progressive ideological policies.So, again Saywhatnow should mind their own business and start pulling their own weight.”

    So, you want other countries to build up their military capacities, or pay America to defend them? Arms races almost always work out badly. Someone always decides, “Well, we have all this neat stuff, let’s test it out in real battle.”

    As for the American military, American taxpayers are spending far more than is needed to in order to defend the United States of America. Are you advocating for us to be the world’s policeman?

    Some of the those you refer to as “parasitic nations and peoples” fought the Fascist Germans and Italians for over two years while America got its act together. They are entitled to think what they will of that.

    Most of the world is affected by what happens in America. They are entitled to their opinions, as are we.

    As far as someone minding their own business I’ll be willing to rate your position as having some credibility if you roundly and publicly condemn the efforts of the Russians to pollute and corrupt the election process of the United States of America.

    For that matter, I’ll be willing to rate your position as having some credibility if you roundly and publicly condemn the interference by the United States of America in the affairs of countries like Iran, many of the countries of South America, Asia, the Caribbean, etc., etc.

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  13. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    re “mind your own business”: Do you think your politics and pollution stops at the border? I do have friends and relatives that live in the US. I do care about human rights and the environment. The Rump has insulted its’ allies. The Rump is placing the world in danger. So, yes, I will be minding that which is my business.

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    Judge Magney  almost 6 years ago

    Cuomo made a really dumbass comment, but, as Gen. Flashman correctly points out, it’s no worse than things Trump said during the campaign, or at Helsinki, or on Twitter this morning (defending Alex Jones). America has done great things, and aspires to greatness. But though the moral arc of our history may been to greatness and justice, that history is marred by persistent injustice and petty cruelties.

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    Union Man  almost 6 years ago

    I find it very amusing that Ramirez draws a comic on Cuomo saying something stupid, when Trump steps in S&%# on average 5 times a day. Another brainwashed Trump disciple.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  almost 6 years ago

    When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it. – Frederic Batiste

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    piobaire  almost 6 years ago

    Andylit said, in response to a comment involving Holland:

    “You were born and raised in a nation that exists in large part today because the greatest nation on earth liberated it from from the Nazis then defended it from being plowed under by the Soviet Union.”

    Well, Andy, it was largely the Canadian Army that liberated the Netherlands at the end of World War II. I won’t blame my Canadian friends and relatives for agreeing with you, however, that the greatest nation on earth liberated it.

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