Is Arlo becoming hard of hearing? When some one ask Helen Keller (which was my moms name also, but my mom was only deaf in one ear from a mumps infection) if given a choice to gain sight or hearing. which would she choose? She said she would rather hear. Being blind separates you from the things of the world but being deaf separates you from other people.
I can relate to this, my husband can’t hear me sitting right next to him but he can hear the cat meow from across the room…..selective hearing??? I don’t know. ha
When you become deaf because of age, it is not evenly across the frequency spectrum. I can usually understand men better than woman ( well, I can hear them, understanding— not a chance) because I am deafer in the upper frequencies. Also, I have learned to read lips, unintentionally, as my hearing faded. I can be talking to you across the room and understanding everything you say, but if I close my eyes, you start mumbling so badly that I can’t understand anything. I don’t have to read a cat’s lips because they have a very limited vocabulary.
My husband has slight hearing loss. He can’t hear anything in the exact range as the sound of my voice. I think years of hearing my voice worn a rut in his hearing, like a rut in a road.
Tyge over 6 years ago
My wife tries to pull the same stunt.
Sisu60 over 6 years ago
men of a certain age
Nachikethass over 6 years ago
I am half deaf – but unmarried. So it evens out!
Anathema Premium Member over 6 years ago
Is Arlo becoming hard of hearing? When some one ask Helen Keller (which was my moms name also, but my mom was only deaf in one ear from a mumps infection) if given a choice to gain sight or hearing. which would she choose? She said she would rather hear. Being blind separates you from the things of the world but being deaf separates you from other people.
alasko over 6 years ago
Low attention span Arlo, not hard of hearing Arlo.
dwane.scoty1 over 6 years ago
Beware, Arlo! She’s setting you up for a " I told you…fill in the blank..this morning" gotcha!
jarvisloop over 6 years ago
I frequently tell my wife to speak to me as she does to other people, and she then tells me I’m being paranoid or that she was talking to herself.
I have noticed, though, that she has no trouble speaking a little louder whenever she’s upset about politics, religion, the kids, or me.
jeanie5448 over 6 years ago
I can relate to this, my husband can’t hear me sitting right next to him but he can hear the cat meow from across the room…..selective hearing??? I don’t know. ha
Going Nuts over 6 years ago
A fine line between hearing and listening.
mourdac Premium Member over 6 years ago
I resemble that.
lastwyf over 6 years ago
I swear to god that Jimmy has our house bugged!
david_42 over 6 years ago
My wife is convinced I’m telepathic, so she talks from other rooms, outside or to some inanimate object in the room, and expects me to understand.
Diane Lee Premium Member over 6 years ago
When you become deaf because of age, it is not evenly across the frequency spectrum. I can usually understand men better than woman ( well, I can hear them, understanding— not a chance) because I am deafer in the upper frequencies. Also, I have learned to read lips, unintentionally, as my hearing faded. I can be talking to you across the room and understanding everything you say, but if I close my eyes, you start mumbling so badly that I can’t understand anything. I don’t have to read a cat’s lips because they have a very limited vocabulary.
DDrazen over 6 years ago
The snarky look on his face suggests to me that he was trying for a “That’s what SHE said” variation. If so, it misfired.
cabalonrye over 6 years ago
How to check if your husband has selective hearing: whisper “food”. Worked with mine at least. He said I cheated. :D
locake over 6 years ago
My husband has slight hearing loss. He can’t hear anything in the exact range as the sound of my voice. I think years of hearing my voice worn a rut in his hearing, like a rut in a road.
57BelAir over 6 years ago
He’s sitting right there, looking at her…not trying to talk, that’s not selective hearing!
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 6 years ago
When are we going to see the kids again??