Mr. Thompson had the clearest insight into the mindset of children, which is what makes Cul de Sac so amusing…..sure wish he had been able to stay around longer.
Only someone with the immense imagination of Petey could imagine something so unimaginable, and then imagine it mocking him for not having enough imagination. Imagine that!
Petey’s imagination itself is beyond the realm of his puny imagination! It’s meta-imagination, the Monster that hides in his sub-conscious (see movie The Forbidden Planet for further elucidation)….
gbars70 over 6 years ago
Ernesto: “I think; therefore I am.”
Jesy Bertz Premium Member over 6 years ago
If Ernesto is imaginary, then there is nothing to see here. Move along.
Huckleberry Hiroshima over 6 years ago
Quite a backpack.
Indianapolis Smith over 6 years ago
I’m imaginary. I only imagine I think I’m real.
ajn90280 Premium Member over 6 years ago
I need one of those “Move Along” signs. I would use it a lot at the office.
S&C = Dismayed&Depressed over 6 years ago
Mr. Thompson had the clearest insight into the mindset of children, which is what makes Cul de Sac so amusing…..sure wish he had been able to stay around longer.
car2ner over 6 years ago
OH I do wish I could pretend some people are imaginary.
seaturtlehorse over 6 years ago
the question remains: who was the fool who gave ernesto power in the first place?
Pequod over 6 years ago
Ernesto is from the magnificent realm of the imagination of Richard Thompson, which is good enough for me.
6turtle9 over 6 years ago
Only someone with the immense imagination of Petey could imagine something so unimaginable, and then imagine it mocking him for not having enough imagination. Imagine that!
davetb1956 over 6 years ago
Petey your imagination is working overtime if you think it can push you across the crosswalk.
Sisyphos over 6 years ago
Petey’s imagination itself is beyond the realm of his puny imagination! It’s meta-imagination, the Monster that hides in his sub-conscious (see movie The Forbidden Planet for further elucidation)….