Jen Sorensen for September 04, 2018

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    Zev   almost 6 years ago

    It’s a disgrace how lily-livered the Dems are these days. If they fought half as hard for their party as the Rethugs have the past few years, we wouldn’t be in this mess now. They’ve done nothing but roll over for a belly rub. Let’s vote EVERYONE out of Congress and start over.

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    Radish the wordsmith  almost 6 years ago

    We need a real left wing party, one for education and health care.

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    Yontrop  almost 6 years ago

    Most of that half is probably just saying that they have not decided just to make themselves look “bipartisan”. They shouldn’t. It is time for partisanship. But the real problem is that the majority in the Senate was elected by a minority of the US voters. It’s not only the Electoral College that needs to be changed.

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    superposition  almost 6 years ago

    Why can’t we have representatives that actually represent we the people instead of we the corporations or we the extremist politicians?

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    preacherman Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    The Dems are still being what they are, a body of many voices. Unlike the Repubs that march in lock step when they’re in the minority, the Dems continue debating among themselves because they really are a diverse party.

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    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    It is frustrating and sad that the Democratic party, while excellent, is seemingly incapable of working in a unified fashion. All the varied and diverse voices of the Democratic party are WONDERFUL, and LEGITIMATE, and IMPORTANT… but damn it… we need to also provide a unified focus on goals as well. When all that is focused on are the endless discussion of our varied differences… that allows the negative party headed by tRump to rule the roost. It is horrendous and sad.

    There are plenty of things that the Democratic party can be united on while maintaining our rich diversity…. excellence in education and education funding, health care for all, living wages for all, and so many others. Why not have a systematic, unified focus on what we collectively need as a nation? Why not work towards changing things for the betterment of all? Instead of being lost in a quagmire of squabbling over who is the most diversely diverse or who is the specific subset of our total party who is the most vilified by the right? We Democrats need to speak strongly about the collective change we want and need for all of us.

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    casonia2  almost 6 years ago

    And then VOTE!

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    Radish the wordsmith  almost 6 years ago

    Poll: Kavanaugh Is the Most Unpopular Court Pick in Decades

    Kavanaugh nomination has lowest public support since Bork .

    more than two-thirds of all Americans do not want to see Roe v. Wade ended.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Democrats, have, since the days of Will Rogers (I’m not a member of any organized political party…. I’m a Democrat.) not been “well-organized”! This has been due, partly, to the fact that they are a “big-tent” party, inviting diverse ideologies into the fold, and also due to the simple fact that, for the most part, the party faithful are invited to actually think for themselves!

    The end result is that, unlike the Republicans (and even THEY are fractured, now), saying that you’re a Democrat just broadly describes your political philosophy and doesn’t begin to “nail” you down as to what you specifically believe and will fight for in the Halls of Congress!

    Defining a “Republican” has become ridiculously easy, of late. A “Republican” is anyone who is willing to deny objective reality and “kiss the ring” of Donald John Trump. Democrats, have, on the other hand basically been ‘broadly’ defined as for assisting others and working toward “the common good”, unlike the G.O.P.!

    Once a politician is elected to his or her public office of choice, the thrust is not so much on helping the less fortunate so much as it is getting re-elected. And how does one go about that? why, it’s simple, really. You get re-elected by raising oodles and scads of money. And how do you do that? Well, the EASY way is by “kissing the ring” of wealthy donors (called ‘the Republican’ way)! The hard way is by going out and talking to the electorate and convincing them that your ideas are worth supporting (called ‘the Democratic’ way)!

    And, more and more, Democratic politicians are getting lazy and discovering that it’s easier to “bend over” and “kiss a ring” than it is to go out and work to get elected!

    By the way, people, the ring more and more Republicans are bending over to “kiss” is emblazoned with a “Red Star”! It used to have a Hammer and Sickle stamped on it, but that was just ‘window dressing’ for the naked greed and avarice behind the controlling party of the Russian Kleptocracy.

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    Walter Kocker Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Remember “Independence Day” – the movie? I was in a small theatre watching this movie of extraterrestrial aliens invading earth. In one scene the aliens spectacularly blew up Congress. The jubilant cheers from the audience around me was deafening – and it was sustained well into the following scene. Never was I more proud to be an American, for these were my people!

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    onzerocs  almost 6 years ago

    “yet half of senate dems are undecided about him” Is this true? Who are those guys? After what the scumbag McConnell did last year!… IF ONE democrat senator votes for Kavanaugh or any other POtuS nominee, I’m out of the fight! It’s too insulting! My vote is only one vote, so what do they care, obviously, if I don’t vote… What’s the point to have, and vote for, a party with the backbone of a noodle? They are at the top of the pyramid and they have to show the example! So, bye mid terms, bye 2020! You’re not worth my time, not worth my vote! And I certainly won’t feel bad- there won’t be a whiff of culpability in me- if this country ends the way all dictatorships end… THEY will deserve all the credit!!! Bye Bye to the greatest country on earth, you had it good while it lasted… RIP

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    Nantucket Premium Member almost 6 years ago
    Dick Durbin is one of the Senators that shows why the only term limits should be elections. He was in the Senate when Kavanaugh LIED to Congress about not having anything to do with Bush 43’s “detainees”. Durbin and Leahy took this to DoJ but of course nothing was done since IOKIYAR.

    This is what Durbin said to Kavanaugh today:

    “if you believe that your public record is one that you can stand behind and defend, I hope that at the end of this you will ask this committee to suspend until we are given all the documents, until we have the time to review them.”

    “What I’m saying to you is basically this, if you will trust the American people, they will trust you.”

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