Two thumbs up for todays strip. I have seen people walking(because not looking, one managed to fall off of curb and break his phone, that was when I asked if he was OK and who he was texting that was more important than looking where he was going-could very easily have been run over by a car-and he stated the friend walking next to him) and instead of talking they were actually texting each other.
Templo S.U.D. over 6 years ago
My older brother and I do Facebook, but out of our five stepsisters, only the oldest thereof doesn’t do it.
over 6 years ago
Glad I don’t have a Facebook account.
Nachikethass over 6 years ago
I gave up FB. Am sporadic on Twitter. Available for clients on email. The only real interactive SM is here on GoComics comments on some strips.
debra4life over 6 years ago
I only have a Facebook account in order to follow my favorite authors and find out when they got new stories coming out.
texasbob over 6 years ago
I like what Baldo subtly saying about what social media is doing to fabric of society
Cameron1988 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Try his Instagram, or Snapchat
nanakitteh over 6 years ago
I get so tired of the technology separates us comments. My family, friends and I use it to coordinate when we can get together in person. :P
Linguist over 6 years ago
Brilliant Baldo ! Truer words were never spoken.
bepapa over 6 years ago
And that’s the truth
arianseren over 6 years ago
I agree with Baldo – the art of communication via person to person, face to face is dead. Personally I like seeing people and talking to them.
timbob2313 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Two thumbs up for todays strip. I have seen people walking(because not looking, one managed to fall off of curb and break his phone, that was when I asked if he was OK and who he was texting that was more important than looking where he was going-could very easily have been run over by a car-and he stated the friend walking next to him) and instead of talking they were actually texting each other.
Ray Helvy Premium Member over 6 years ago
Almost right. Technology gives us more options, to do… or not to do.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
Ray has it right. People need to stop acting like it was all forced on them. It isn’t. My phone is a phone, no more than that.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 6 years ago
Problem is really the tools, it’s usually the operators.
barister over 6 years ago
Baldo cracked the code.
Iwa Iniki over 6 years ago
So very very true!
tad1 over 6 years ago
Baldo has the right idea.
WCraft Premium Member over 6 years ago
She should read the comics if she wants to know more about him…