In all reality , I have a feeling that somehow JB’s special little sister is going to punt for Milford . This will be a feel good moment so don’t miss it.
So Faber College Cheerleading Hall of Famer Babs Jansen has two illegitimate children? Allegedly by Daniel Simpson Day, whereabouts unknown? Joe Bolek sagely tells Tiki the Torch it’s better to burn out than to fade away. Hey, hey. Bye bye.
dutchpuppy over 6 years ago
Picking up his sister AFTER school makes him late coming TO school? I forgot about this secondary story line until today’s strip.
TheBrownStarfish over 6 years ago
P1, But will we see him again after his first encounter with the loofa?
P2, That should guarantee he’ll never come back.
P3, 11th just like me. We’re twins, but I was born first, hence my little sister.
Mr Reality over 6 years ago
In all reality , I have a feeling that somehow JB’s special little sister is going to punt for Milford . This will be a feel good moment so don’t miss it.
jslabotnik over 6 years ago
And what are her measurements?
bearwku82 over 6 years ago
So Faber College Cheerleading Hall of Famer Babs Jansen has two illegitimate children? Allegedly by Daniel Simpson Day, whereabouts unknown? Joe Bolek sagely tells Tiki the Torch it’s better to burn out than to fade away. Hey, hey. Bye bye.
James St. John Smythe over 6 years ago
If P3 had no dialog(ue). I’d be interested in this reintroduction of Double D he’s describing.
cuttersjock over 6 years ago
P1- Everyone pretty happy after shower practice!
P2- Looks like Joe followed his teammate into the urinal, that’s teamwork!
P3- Is Tiki describing the size of his loofah or something else?
chiphilton over 6 years ago
I like the way Tiki’s shirt matches the tile.
Klubble over 6 years ago
P3: Rather creepy question: What grade is she in? What, they like them REALLY underage?
hablano over 6 years ago
She’s in 3rd grade, so too mature for these punters.
mitchrp over 6 years ago
So who is asking???
tcar-1 over 6 years ago
Aaron Judge fresh from the ALDS loss reports to Milford for football.