What’s the big deal? Shawr… Shw… Schawr… THAT other guy was a bodybuilder and became governor of California. He wans´t even born in this continent!!!!! (does it mean he’s incontinent?) A wrestler at least moves around. Fake moves but moves nevertheless :D
You can find something similar in the Carolinas and Maryland. There is something called a township. It often covers more than a city. In some areas mayors and councils are elected or appointed to represent a whole township. Also existing are independent cities such as Baltimore. While subject to the state of Maryland it is not part of or subject to any county.
In 2003, former professional bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger aka “The Terminator” became Governor of California. Many farmers in Germany have switched from raising cattle to ostrichs when BSE broke out after 2000. And the West Mata volcano has been producing eruptions, captured by cameras… and is located 4000 feet below the surface of the ocean!
Leroy about 6 years ago
So now it’s Ripley’s Election Returns. I guess we’re running out of curiosities.
Templo S.U.D. about 6 years ago
I never heard of a county mayor. Aren’t mayors supposed to govern towns/cities?
meg_grif about 6 years ago
So ducks float…so they must be made of wood…so they must be witches…
James Wolfenstein about 6 years ago
What’s the big deal? Shawr… Shw… Schawr… THAT other guy was a bodybuilder and became governor of California. He wans´t even born in this continent!!!!! (does it mean he’s incontinent?) A wrestler at least moves around. Fake moves but moves nevertheless :D
Gent about 6 years ago
Say hello to Mayor Big Red Demon… Kane!
Gent about 6 years ago
What the duck!
heathcliff2 about 6 years ago
You can find something similar in the Carolinas and Maryland. There is something called a township. It often covers more than a city. In some areas mayors and councils are elected or appointed to represent a whole township. Also existing are independent cities such as Baltimore. While subject to the state of Maryland it is not part of or subject to any county.
Breadboard about 6 years ago
That Volcano has a long history …. many forces at work there ….. many during the end of WWII
russef about 6 years ago
Does that make the ducks witches??
NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 6 years ago
So!? A wrestler was governor of Minnesota for a while.
FassEddie about 6 years ago
KANE 2020. Rosebud shortly after.
Huckleberry Hiroshima about 6 years ago
When I was a kid I felt that all ducks were operated by remote control.
joeatwork212 about 6 years ago
Not that big of a deal. Jesse the Body was Governor of Minnesota. Not a good one, but governor none the less.
squiggle9 about 6 years ago
We need Jesse Ventura now to put the Donald in his place
The Pro from Dover about 6 years ago
Spock about 6 years ago
In 2003, former professional bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger aka “The Terminator” became Governor of California. Many farmers in Germany have switched from raising cattle to ostrichs when BSE broke out after 2000. And the West Mata volcano has been producing eruptions, captured by cameras… and is located 4000 feet below the surface of the ocean!
Taracinablue about 6 years ago
The duck factoid is both amusing and sad…