Moderately Confused by Jeff Stahler for December 05, 2018

  1. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  about 6 years ago

    Unfortunately true. But it does not ease the sadness or become ‘old hat’

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  2. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Make your own list of about 100 worse countries.

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    dlkrueger33  about 6 years ago

    I’ve noticed that too….with shootings and other tragedies, and of course, once in awhile a death to commemorate (like Bush)…the flag is perpetually at half-staff. Perhaps it should always be flown this way? >sigh<

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    tauyen  about 6 years ago

    Talk about conflating issues: Nationalism, as currently used, is the channeling of hate toward any group deemed not to ‘be one of us’ (whomever ‘us’ is) and should become as obsolete as it is repugnant. Patriotism is being proud of you national identity – not racial, religious etc. identity, and for that we should all, from whatever country, be proud. I have ancestors on both sides of the family ‘tree’ that fought in the Revolution which maybe gives me a little more to be proud than most others, but it certainly doesn’t diminish the right of anybody to take pride in their country. Now, if our government would only start earning their share of it.

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  5. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 6 years ago

    I was watching the news and GHW Bush is still DEAD! BTW, yesterday was Francisco Franco’s Birthday.

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    nyscotsman1  about 6 years ago

    I fly the flag daily in honor of all those who have and are serving our nation. That is not “faux patriotism.” It is respect, a far cry from political affiliation.

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    perna de pau  about 6 years ago

    Unfortunately no, as most replies show…

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    kreima  about 6 years ago

    This country has up to this point been a bright light to the rest of the world. That flag represents that light. I have defended it (even for those who protest against it), and I still salute it.

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  9. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  about 6 years ago

    RIP George H. W. Bush Regardless if one approves or disapproves of your time as president, the job takes a strong person to get there and an even stronger person to handle the job.

    I believe it takes a brave person to step into the unknown.

    It takes a strong person to carry on in the aftermath of that step.

    It takes great strength of character to overlook the insults from those who would make you less because you took that step. (LB, 2013)

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  10. Skylark
    Skylark  about 6 years ago

    As long as we ALL are free to come to a comic and comment, I will consider it a privilege to live in this country. So many can’t. So, I will continue to be here when I feel the need and I hope you all will too. Better here than in the streets, shooting at one another!

    [deep in my mind thought]…I get so damn sick of all this S#%T going on sometimes!
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  11. Triumph
    Daeder  about 6 years ago

    We might as well leave flags at half-mast until at least 2020.

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  12. Large bryanfarht
    Bryan Farht  about 6 years ago

    Read this comments and have an example of how you brainwash a group of people. Adoration creates a tunnel-vision. It make them fully in your control and even the common sense is eliminated. Almost like soldiers.

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    Bookworm Premium Member about 6 years ago

    The lead time for comics is awful, especially when a comic like this gets published on a day like this.

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