P1 Only three championship banners, time for a coaching change. Milford has been under achieving in all sports for years. Starting a GoFundMe account to buy out Gil’s contract.
P2 Skin head must be a pretty good athlete, he features prominently in all sports!!
Speaking of goofballs, I was expecting Gomer Pyle to shout out citizen’s arrest to anyone within earshot as Marty (hic, hic) pulled away from Speedco after picking up a sixer of Schlitz.
Red: [to Eric] So, this is how an immature, engaged, high school dumb&**, with no car, no job, and no money trims the hedges. Hyde: That was like eight burns in one sentence. Donna: An octo-burn. Let’s get outta here.
In P1, Andre is in the classic “exhausted player” stance, holding on to the hem of his shorts. He must be in lousy shape to get that tired just shooting around.
Hm. Filion’s got eye pain. Maybe he’s chanelling Arnold Schwarzenegger’s teacher movie — “I have a headache.” Kid: “It might be tumor.” I bet Filion’s got a brain tumor…..
chiphilton about 6 years ago
Andre sure gets a lot of face time. Does he ever accomplish anything?
TheBrownStarfish about 6 years ago
P1, Nice shine on that floor, Mop. The reflection could put an eye out!
P2, Maybe you shouldn’t have poked your extra long finger in his eye.
P3, So basketball season will revolve around TV trivia. That’s entertainment.
Bucky about 6 years ago
P1 Only three championship banners, time for a coaching change. Milford has been under achieving in all sports for years. Starting a GoFundMe account to buy out Gil’s contract.
P2 Skin head must be a pretty good athlete, he features prominently in all sports!!
P3 Are there any normal kids at this school???
bearwku82 about 6 years ago
Speaking of goofballs, I was expecting Gomer Pyle to shout out citizen’s arrest to anyone within earshot as Marty (hic, hic) pulled away from Speedco after picking up a sixer of Schlitz.
Mr Reality about 6 years ago
In all reality , just think Thorptopians a whole season of TV Trivia and Quotes from shows . Yay , High Ho Silver !
OldDoug Premium Member about 6 years ago
Red: [to Eric] So, this is how an immature, engaged, high school dumb&**, with no car, no job, and no money trims the hedges. Hyde: That was like eight burns in one sentence. Donna: An octo-burn. Let’s get outta here.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Now Kaz will have to get a new girlfriend who’s into 20-year-old TV shows.
bitsy twill about 6 years ago
Are they actually scrimmaging or just messing around? Why is that one random kid wearing a pinny? Then again, why are they wearing their uniforms?
twainreader about 6 years ago
Here’s a quote from Stan Against Evil: “You’re really pushing that ‘works in mysterious ways’ thing.”
BrandonMayhew about 6 years ago
Is that a first…P3 breaking through the 4th wall and talking to us…
doublepaw about 6 years ago
Does anybody say “goofball” in 2018?
chiphilton about 6 years ago
In P1, Andre is in the classic “exhausted player” stance, holding on to the hem of his shorts. He must be in lousy shape to get that tired just shooting around.
hifirick1953 about 6 years ago
Maybe That “70’s” Show has just appeared on WMilf channel 7 as a new series?
Klubble about 6 years ago
So we go from movie quotes to TV quotes? Boy, Rubham is really staying up nights thinking of new plot lines…what a twist.
Popman! about 6 years ago
Where is my primo? He was only a junior last year.
JustOlJon about 6 years ago
Hm. Filion’s got eye pain. Maybe he’s chanelling Arnold Schwarzenegger’s teacher movie — “I have a headache.” Kid: “It might be tumor.” I bet Filion’s got a brain tumor…..