@Number Three Today’s strip is funny for a change the new policeman is not used to our hero Mr Andrew Capp’s frequent being chucked out of a plate glass window without getting a scratch or a tear on his clothes :o) , my new avatar reminds me how grandmas spoil their kids ,like Connie does with Amy and Timmy , were you also spoiled as a child? how was your Finally Friday ? ours should be calm even if it’s been raining most of the time as we don’t need to run any errands not like yesterday’s hectic day , take care pal BCNU
Templo S.U.D. about 6 years ago
lad must be new on the force or is a transfer
AFFICIONADO about 6 years ago
@Number Three Today’s strip is funny for a change the new policeman is not used to our hero Mr Andrew Capp’s frequent being chucked out of a plate glass window without getting a scratch or a tear on his clothes :o) , my new avatar reminds me how grandmas spoil their kids ,like Connie does with Amy and Timmy , were you also spoiled as a child? how was your Finally Friday ? ours should be calm even if it’s been raining most of the time as we don’t need to run any errands not like yesterday’s hectic day , take care pal BCNU
fuzzbucket Premium Member about 6 years ago
Why do they throw him out the window? Whether it is the bouncer or a fight, somebody has to pay for that.
MJKesquire about 6 years ago
Pick a window. You’re leaving!!
ksu71 about 6 years ago
Once again Andy gets to demonstrate Defenestration. A word I didn’t know until a poster used it here.
Scott S about 6 years ago
Do UK police still wear uniforms like that, with those helmet hats?
Ron Dunn Premium Member about 6 years ago
They could of incorporated the fight cloud with the bouncer and Andy coming out the window.
Khatkhattu Premium Member about 6 years ago
Andy’s smashed again (well someone had to say it)
timbob2313 Premium Member about 6 years ago
“…Don’t stand to close to the window lad”. “Why’s that sarge?”) because that is how Andy leaves the bar when he is too drunk to find the door.
Fan o’ Lio. about 6 years ago
Sometimes Andy is the throw-er not the throw-ee.
(I can’t find an example of that.)
Fan o’ Lio. about 6 years ago
Happy Pearl Harbor Day!
The slogan was Remember Pearl Harbor.There are not too many of us left who can remember that day in 1941!
tad1 about 6 years ago
It’s probably best to avoid Andy in general.
jrankin1959 about 6 years ago
Does this actually happen in British pubs, or are we picking up cues from American westerns?
Number Three about 6 years ago
How the heck does Jack stay in business? He must pay a fortune to get that window fixed all the time.
Number Three about 6 years ago
I hope your Finally Friday was a good one.
Sherlock5 about 1 year ago
The pubs should install unbreakable plexiglass. It would be fun to watch Andy bounce off of it.