Amanda the Great by Amanda El-Dweek for December 18, 2018

  1. Kat 1
    katina.cooper  about 6 years ago

    This is why you mash up the antibiotics and put them in a little bit of tuna. The tuna masks the odor of the antibiotics.

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    Batteries  about 6 years ago

    Giving the medicine is a 2-person job here! Dave holds the cat and gets the mouth open, I squirt it in!

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    Fiona D Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Medicating a cat is always a dance with the devil.

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    arolarson Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Burrito method…wrap cat in towel being sure to completely secure all legs and paws. Open mouth by cupping head from behind with finger and thumb on each side of mouth and gently squeeze. Squirt meds into back of throat and stroke gently under chin till swallow is done. Carefully release cat and stand back. Works best with two people but can be done with one. There are several good videos, just google.

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    John Francini  about 6 years ago

    We have a compounding pharmacist who will put medicines like this into a chicken-flavored concoction. One of our cats is tolerant of the medicine served this way; the other comes up every morning and begs us for it.

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    splinterexpert  about 6 years ago

    Ha! I did exactly this with cherry flavored prednisone. I begged for pills instead after two days. And we DID the frickin burrito method. Never never never again. Can’t we just use a hypodermic? Fortunately, Lucy is a kan fu hoe, and you can crush pills and mix them in.

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    Mr. Impatient  about 6 years ago

    We buy Greenies at Petsmart or They are treats that you put the pill in. The cats love them. The liquid is definitely a two person job.

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    Batteries  about 6 years ago

    The struggle is real, folks!

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    saxie5  about 6 years ago

    It was easy to give my tabby the first dose, because I surprised her. The following days she knew it was coming and it wasn’t easy!

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    Pirate Mike creator about 6 years ago

    medicating a cat. good luck.

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    Julie478 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    I had a Calico cat, that sadly has passed over the bridge, but she had to take a pill twice a day for a week. After trying to give the said pill and coming back bloody, I called the vet and let them know that I was going to board her for the duration and THEY could give her the pills. The receptionist laughed but said sure. The doctor called me up the next day to let me know that it took 3 of the vet techs, one was very experienced in giving pills to cats, to hold her down (she was a strong alpha cat) and administer the pill. He told me he completely understood why I brought her back in. She was a sweetheart, but hell to give medicine to.

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    Mary Ellen  about 6 years ago

    We had to give up on giving our calico anti-anxiety meds. She will not take liquid, and trying to fool her into taking a pill didn’t work, no matter what we did.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member about 6 years ago


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    CougarAllen  about 6 years ago

    Liquid meds are easy! Just put it on her paw. She will give you a dirty look, but she has to lick it off. :>

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    Comic Minister Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Sorry you two got hurt! Good left eye in the last panel by the way Amanda!

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  16. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  about 6 years ago

    Pills are easier. The first step, " Catch the cat." is the hardest. :-)

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    BlueIris Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Lots of comments today, Amanda! The old adage of “write what you know” really works to some extent!

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    Teto85 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Plastic eyedropper or larger plastic syringe. One holds kitty and other opens jaws with gentle pressure at the joint and shoots the liquid medicine down kitty’s throat. I have learned to hold kitty against my body with one arm and open jaws with that hand and shoot medicine with the other. I’m also an MD and can give myself stitches if my sewing hand is not scratched off by a pissed kitty.

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