Tom Toles for January 15, 2019

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Trump — hoisted by his own petard of lies, CONspiracy, obstruction (and discrediting witnesses in advance of congressional or courtroom testimony is also criminal obstruction [Big Mueller is watching and taking notes]) and yes, despite he who “doth protest too mucy,” COLLUSION.

    And the Trump shutdown? As many Americans are being personally affected by inconvenience (and increased safety and terrorism threats at airports, national park closures, food inspections being suspended, tax refunds being suspended, SBA and other business loans not getting approved, federally guaranteed loans for homes, business and students not getting approved, copyrights and patents not getting approved, transportation and highway safety on hold, landlords not being paid rental subsidies for tenants [landlords lose income, tenants may be evicted] and EBT/SNAP benefits on hold and many others) what we are seeing is the proof of the great CONservative LIE — their now disproven myth — LIE — that we don’t need government.

    The good news is that state governments remain open. The more good news is that many aspects of federal government such as the Postal Service and Social Security are self-funding, so are not affected, and some others, such as the military (except for the Coast Guard which is under the Homeland Security budget and is shut down) have been funded under separate appropriations.

    But it does prove that, yes, we do need government.

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  2. Triumph
    Daeder  over 5 years ago

    “Thank you, Mr. Piñatadent.”

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  3. Shakes
    shakeswilly  over 5 years ago

    A very pleasing image.

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  4. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 5 years ago

    The countries worst president is not Houdini, he has no exit plan.

    Crooked liar Trump is keeping the government shut down so it can’t investigate him.

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  5. Desron14
    Masterskrain  over 5 years ago

    And every day his numbers drop lower and lower and lower…

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  6. Coexist
    Bookworm  over 5 years ago

    And yet he denies his own words, his staff du jure has to keep telling us not what he said but what he meant, and the shutdown, proudly owned by the president (his own words, mind you), goes on and on.

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  7. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Now just lower him into an abandoned well.. and put a lid on it.

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  8. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  over 5 years ago

    I think we could get him to put himself in a non-metaphorical straitjacket if we just spray-paint it gold.

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  9. Rick o shay
    wiatr  over 5 years ago

    How about a nice warm barrel of tar and some used chicken feathers, complete with a rail ride out of town?

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