Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 30, 2011

  1. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  about 14 years ago

    Sarah Palin Action Doll has some mighty impressive followers!

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  2. Bla   version 2
    FriscoLou  about 14 years ago

    Nice rug.

    Just went to the site to see if thereā€™s any more bodies behind the door.

    Anyone click and find the number of wolf kills?

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  3. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  about 14 years ago

    Maybe Sarah Palin should just cut to the chase and tryout for American Idol.

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  4. Croparcs070707
    rayannina  about 14 years ago

    Co-sign, @pouncingtiger. It would improve both American Idol (by addition) and the 2012 presidential race (by subtraction). Win-win!

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  5. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  about 14 years ago

    surfstuff55 said, ā€œlove the icon VistaBillā€


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  6. Deviant avatar
    Orion-13  about 14 years ago

    Wait - do they mean PALIN, or OBAMA? ā€˜Cuz it sure sounds like Obamaā€¦ā€ā€œThese self-esteem-enhanced but talent-deprived performers eventually learn the truthā€¦ā€

    Pity we have to pay the price.


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  7. Young wmb
    wmbrainiac  about 14 years ago

    see january 18 colbert at comedy central

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  8. A service i need
    Kvasir42 Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Donā€™t they mean mini-half-guv?

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  9. Missing large
    Doughfoot  about 14 years ago

    Some folks who seem impressive to their neighbors in their small towns arenā€™t able to cut it in the big city.

    No to worry. Just define the city as an aberration and call the small town ā€˜the real Americaā€™ and the whole problem goes away.

    Iā€™ve never seen American Idol. Are the winners chosen by an electoral college (panel of experts) or by popular (those who care to) vote?

    How can Orion call Obama talentless? He got elected, and has accomplished a lot while in office, and against robust opposition. Heā€™s a talented politician. Given time, he may even become a statesman, though most statesmen are, in the end, only revised and edited politicians.

    What Obama is NOT is a prophet, or a martyr to principle. Which many of his followers took him for. Both he and especially his followers started out naive about the world. He actually believed that applying enough benevolence and sympathy would win over any enemy. He didnā€™t know the GOP it seems.

    Prophets exist to speak the truth, and let the chips fall where they may. Such people are not fit to hold public office. The truth is never popular. If it is popular it is probably not the truth. Politicians exist to create consensus and get things done. Truth and principle usually get in the way.

    Thatā€™s the nice thing about electing the modern brand of conservative to office. Electing them is a sort of sabotage against the country. But as the purpose of electing them is to throw a monkey wrench into the system, and prevent anyone from accomplishing anything, it works pretty well. And there is the added benefit that even folks who want to see things get done will begin to question wanting the government to do them when people like Michelle Bachman are running the government.

    Sarah Palin is neither a talented politician nor a prophet, but she Trudeau is unfair to her. She is certainly a talented performer. She has canā€™t-take-your-eye-off-her, canā€™t-believe-what-you-are-seeing-and-hearing star quality. She says the things that small-minded people everywhere are longing, thirsting to hear, making their small-mindedness seem good and noble and virtuous.

    America is a huge market for that sort of thing.

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  10. Photo  1
    thirdguy  about 14 years ago

    Self-esteem-enhanced, but talent-deprived performer, could easily describe our last president. Boy, did we ever pay the price for that one!

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  11. Missing large
    sherbert  about 14 years ago

    I so agree with you Doughfoot that I think you should change your name to Chrysostom (goldenmouthed).

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  12. Img 1157
    brick10  about 14 years ago

    Dancing with the Stars, anyone?

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  13. Andy
    Sandfan  about 14 years ago

    Palinā€™s main value seems to be as a lightning rod for the left. By attracting all the liberal calumny, she is allowing the viable Republican candidates to avoid the loaded ā€œwhen did you stop beating your wifeā€ questions so loved by the media. Who knows, maybe this respite will allow the Republicans to come up with a candidate not beholden to the Limbaugh-Beck lunatic fringe.

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  14. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Doughfoot seems to be saying that anyone dedicated to limited government, reduced taxation, and adherance to the Constitution is small-minded.

    So which of those things do you with your towering intellect reject? Since you talk about getting ā€œthingsā€ done and accomplishing ā€œthingsā€ while carefully not specifying what those things might be, I would guess you reject all three since that is necessary to allow the government to do whatever it (and you) wants.

    BTW, I intensely dislike religious-nut light-weight Sarah Palin and wouldnā€™t vote for her for anything but maybe animal control officer, but when she speaks of American principles, she is a real patriot with more understanding of America than any Lefty. If that makes someone small-minded, then so were the Founding Fathers.

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  15. Harvey
    ImaginaryFriend  about 14 years ago

    Doughfoot, usually doing nothing is better than doing the wrong thing. For the past 10 years, mostly the wrong things have been done. Obama and his party were given the golden key, majority in both houses and the presidency, but instead of trying to truly help America, they acted like spoiled children. As a result, they lost their key.

    I believe the doll could just have well been an Obama doll and the story line would still work just as well. All he has done is embarrass himself and the U.S. Obama was & still is less qualified than Palin, but neither should be in the White House. Both are great speakers though.

    Great strip today!

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  16. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  about 14 years ago

    DoughFoot, you neednā€™t defend President Obama. He has already shown himself to be one of our better presidents, even after only two years. Orion is merely willfully ignorant.

    The joke of todayā€™s Doonesbury is that Sarah Palin doesnā€™t realize that her description of American Idolā€™s performers describes her well.

    At the same time, she wonā€™t run for president. (1) She wants to be rich & famous, in that order, and being president would be a pay-cut. (2) She hasnā€™t taken on a challenge for years. She surrounds herself only w/ sycophants, and a president must take criticism. (3) She can count, and she can see that she wonā€™t win. Almost no one is left w/out an opinion about her, and she has very high negatives.

    On the other hand, as long as people think that she might run then she receives much more attentionā€“and speaking fees &c.ā€“than she will once she announces that she wonā€™t run, so she will milk a potential run as long as possible.

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  17. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 14 years ago

    BrianCrook: Obama ā€œhas already shown himself to be one of our better presidentsā€? Amazing. And you call someone else ā€œwillfully ignorantā€? I wonder what your standard of ā€œbetterā€ could possibly be. Itā€™s certainly not mine.

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  18. Missing large
    JosephBidenJr99  about 14 years ago

    Gary and the other left-wingers spend endless time and resources trashing Sarah Palin because they are TERRIFIED of her ability to energize the independents and conservatives! She will not be the Republican candidate for Pres in 2012 if they could only realize that. If they keep her in the public eye she will contribute to a Repub victory with her ability to get ordinary people to vote the conservative way.

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  19. Groundhog
    jgcp1  about 14 years ago

    ā€¦ well, she DID get it that someone was talking about HER!

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  20. Image
    peter0423  about 14 years ago

    DoughFoot: ā€œProphets exist to speak the truth, and let the chips fall where they may. Such people are not fit to hold public office. The truth is never popular. If it is popular it is probably not the truth. Politicians exist to create consensus and get things done. Truth and principle usually get in the way.ā€ An excellent post.

    pschearer: ā€œDoughfoot seems to be saying that anyone dedicated to limited government, reduced taxation, and adherance to the Constitution is small-minded.ā€ How wonderfully you missed the point. What Doughfoot said was, ā€œShe says the things that small-minded people everywhere are longing, thirsting to hear, making their small-mindedness seem good and noble and virtuous.ā€ But what small-minded people want is not limited government, reduced taxation, and adherence to the Constitution ā€” those are concerns of statesmen (and by the way, not all of the Founding Fathers would have agreed with you). Most of Palinā€™s fans are not thoughtful conservatives, but simple reactionaries; conservatives merely use her as a living, breathing bumper sticker.

    What the Tea Party members want is to get the 1950s back, when they fantasize that all was well and happy in the country, foreigners and anyone who didnā€™t look and live just like them knew their place, and no one challenged the premises of society. Of course, they canā€™t have the 1950s back, but they canā€™t deal with living in the century theyā€™re in. So they rally around a pretty, platitudinous oaf who sounds just like what they want to hear.

    None of this has to do with ā€œlimited government, reduced taxation, and adherence to the Constitutionā€ ā€” itā€™s a red herring even to introduce those ideas into this. Rather it has everything to do with a simple-minded fantasy that wasnā€™t even real in the time they think they want to return to.

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  21. Missing large
    Ensoh  about 14 years ago

    @JosephBidenJr99: And what you donā€™t seem to realize is that Garyā€™s job is to satirize the subversive foibles of the independents and conservatives whom others might mislabel as ā€œpatriotic.ā€

    @BrianCrook: Your point is interesting, because itā€™s very difficult to see beyond the clamor and look at the steps that have been quietly accomplished while everyoneā€™s attention was elsewhere. It may be up to the historians to reduce Obamaā€™s term to its essentials and give a clear perspective. But I would suggest you consider what MIGHT have been accomplished with a true spirit of bipartisan cooperation toward common goals, rather than the conservative attitude echoed this past week that ā€œWe are in a war.ā€ Neither side can claim to be ā€œwithout sinā€ in that regard, but the right has been obstructive to the point of idiocy.

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  22. Sour grapes
    odeliasimone  about 14 years ago

    Might I add the same is true of ā€œDancing With the Stars?ā€

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  23. Missing large
    DoctorDan  about 14 years ago

    pschearer - if Sarah actually talked about limited government, reduced taxation and adherence to the constitution, I could respect her, just as I respect, say, Ron Paul. But she doesnā€™t. Her main schtick is the aggrieved, long-suffering Us against the evil, insiduous Them. Her entire raison dā€™etre is to allow people to delude themselves that actively hating thirty or forty percent of the voting public is somehow a patriotic virtue. Sheā€™s the most willfully devisive political figure in America since Joe McCarthy.

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  24. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  about 14 years ago

    Is this the same Sarah Palin Tea Party that GT scorned as a bunch of politically impotent selfish old rednecks and kooks?

    But then, that was before the 2010 elections.

    Brianā€™s analysis is essentially correct. Palin wonā€™t run for president, I believe that she would run again for vice president, depending on who she was paired with. Politically, she got lackluster McCain within 3 points on the popular vote last time, hardly ā€œembarrassing herselfā€, and sheā€™s probably worth 10% of the total next time around. Besides, sheā€™s got plenty of money now that she doesnā€™t have to fight all those frivolous lawsuits filed by Alaskan liberal democrats, and long-term, itā€™s a good move.

    If Biden can do the job, even Bristol Palin could.

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  25. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  about 14 years ago

    Billdog, are you as racist as you are sexist? And if so, do you represent many others who align politically with your views?

     •  Reply
  26. 2008happynewyear1024
    TexTech  about 14 years ago

    Well said, Doctor Dan.

    As for Pschearerā€™s rejection of the comment that Obama is a better president than many, I would mention that a recent survey of scholars of the the Presidency rated all the presidents to date (including Obama). President Obama ranked fairly high although I donā€™t remember his exact place. I am pretty sure it was in the top 10 or 15. Meanwhile George W. Bush was rated somewhere down in the low thirties out of 46.

    This is not my opinion of ā€œbetter.ā€ This is the opinion of learned men and women who have studied the life, times, and work of all the presidents. They have looked at the foreign policy decisions, their domestic stance and the laws passed while in office. This was not just some flip, gut instinct rating. And please, donā€™t give me a bunch of garbage about these being a bunch of ā€œivory tower liberalsā€ or some such nonsense.

     •  Reply
  27. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  about 14 years ago

    The bit about self esteem is a direct quote from SP from her book. And yes, letā€™s hope she runs!

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  28. Text if you d like to meet him
    Yukoneric  about 14 years ago

    She could always be a stunt double for whatshernameā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.

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  29. Missing large
    hancel  about 14 years ago

    I hope she does get nominated. I still have faith in the ā€œthinkingā€ American public that can see how shallow she really is

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  30. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member about 14 years ago

    The thinking American public knows that we are off course in some serious ways. They are trying to find their way by swinging from the left to right & back, searching. There is some bad road through questionable neighborhoods either way, but if we stick with either for a while we might find our way out of here. The way weā€™re going everyone spends all their time tearing down the oppositionā€™s accomplishments.

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  31. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  about 14 years ago

    TexTech, we didnā€™t call them ā€œIvory Tower liberalsā€, but your description of them certainly does.

    In any event, itā€™s very premature for these ivorā€¦ I mean, learned men and women to pronounce judgement when only half of his term is over, so Iā€™m thinking they came to their conclusions on the day before his inauguration. Their decision is just as valid as those of the Nobel prize committee, who awarded Obama before he even had a chance to do anything to earn it. Donā€™t they and their supporters realize how these types of premature pronouncements erode any credibility that they themselves might have had? Theyā€™ve proved that whatever they have to say is worthless.

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  32. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    It is a concern that the empty-headed plaything (Palin doll) still gets so much attention, when FAR WORSE have been placed in Congress over the years. My ā€œlocalā€ Republican generally makes Palin look ā€œbrightā€- and after several terms STILL doesnā€™t have a clue about the Constitution, or the job heā€™s supposed to be doing. As to the constant attack that ā€œliberalsā€ donā€™t support or understand ā€œpatriotismā€- This 100% disabled veteran with a son soon to receive a disability discharge after 13 years of service, and multiple injuries, would like to tell those whoā€™ve never served but to serve up their opinionā€“ stuff it!

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  33. Logo
    cdhaley  about 14 years ago

    Following last weekā€™s arc on gun violence, GT has decided to resurrect his SP golem. At the time of the Tuscon murders, I noted that GTā€™s fantasized violence had become reality: ā€œthe Sarah Palin doll managed to off Sam after all, just as she and the other dolls schemed to do half a year ago. ā€

    Thanks to GTā€™s signature irony, Doonesbury readers are more sophisticated than ordinary comic strip readers who are looking for diversion from the actual world. We appreciate the way GT helps us to view reality, provided he keeps it at a safe, satirical distance.

    Last weekā€™s arc on gun violence and murder tested the limits of Doonesburyā€™s ability to contain reality by satire. Many readers responded with violent fantasies of their own, thereby proving Trudeauā€™s satirical point that Americans, especially, harbor violent thoughts.

    The golem is a traditional literary symbol of violence unleashed on society by its homicidal creator. Palin and Trudeau between them created the SP doll. Our troubled American psyche has turned an Arizona psychopath into a far more lethal golem.

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  34. Noble head square 200
    gslusher  about 14 years ago

    Humm, could Sarah-doll be talking about her namesakeā€™s daughterā€“someone with no talent who insists upon demonstrating that fact on national TV?

     •  Reply
  35. Missing large
    jeanne1212  about 14 years ago

    pouncingtiger - etc

    Sarah on American Idol? ā€¦ Re-think that one, please. She would win and then they would bring back ELEVATOR MUSIC.

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  36. Missing large
    seablood  about 14 years ago

    Which best-selling book is the sarah palin doll reading from?

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  37. Ts
    SaunaBeach  about 14 years ago

    Yeah, a bowling pin!!

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  38. Computerhead
    Spyderred  about 14 years ago

    Doughfootā€™s analysis is excellent! I never understood Palinā€™s appeal, but Doughfoot explains it. Thanks, D

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  39. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  about 14 years ago

    Palinā€™s resigning as Governor of Alaska was just her proving she wanted ā€¦ā€¦. SMALLER government.

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  40. Missing large
    Ensoh  about 14 years ago

    The ā€œbest-selling book,ā€ I believe, is ā€œGoing Rogue.ā€ by Twinkiebell herself ā€“ Although I canā€™t be certain from direct experience.

     •  Reply
  41. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  about 14 years ago

    Thanks, Doughfoot! ā€œNobody ever went broke underestimĀ­ating the stupidity of the American peopleā€ ā€“ H.L. Mencken.

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  42. Theskulker avatar ic07
    TheSkulker  about 14 years ago

    FriscoLou said Anyone click and find the number of wolf kills?

    Yes but unsure if she means 11 or 12. Does Palin even know what tally marks mean or did she just forget? I suspect the former.

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  43. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  about 14 years ago

    Self-esteemed enhanced and talent deprived:

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  44. Bla   version 2
    FriscoLou  about 14 years ago

    Right you are Skulker, but it looks like Trigā€™s hand writing

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  45. Theskulker avatar ic07
    TheSkulker  about 14 years ago

    So yeah, she played the flute. But, actually not all that well. Good enough to play in public but so-so tonality. After ten years of practice I would have expected better.

     •  Reply
  46. Cathy aack Premium Member about 14 years ago

    No one dares to question.

    SCAATY_423 ā€“ your points about the 50s are absolutely true ā€“ read ā€œThe Way We Never Wereā€ by Stephanie Coontz

    And jmerm ā€“ imagine that ā€“ Uncle Ronnie saved us from all that while he was in an Alzheimerā€™s coma

     •  Reply
  47. Theskulker avatar ic07
    TheSkulker  about 14 years ago

    So yeah, she played the flute. But, actually not all that well. Good enough to play in public but so-so tonality. After ten years of practice I would have expected better.

     •  Reply
  48. Theskulker avatar ic07
    TheSkulker  about 14 years ago

    So yeah countoftowergrove, she played the flute.

    But, actually not all that well. Good enough to play an easy song in public but with only so-so tonality. After ten years of practice I would have expected better.

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