Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for January 14, 2011
Danae: OK... so what's your goal for this anti-social network? Joe: To wean people off the mindless drivel of social networks. Then use their time to do something more productive and creative, or expand their minds with quiet contemplation. Danae: In other words, you want to help the Internet blow itself up. Joe: Well, that's a rather harsh way to put it, but, yeah, pretty much...
comicgos about 14 years ago
We could only all wish!
LordDogmore about 14 years ago
By george I think she’s GOT IT!
Orion-13 about 14 years ago
Yes, rather than letting people pursue whatever happiness they want, we need to push them into spending their lives the way we, who know better, want them to!
It’s only fair, most people aren’t as GOOD as we are. This is why we should mean govern.. them…We’re so much more…progressive than these Neanderthals who waste their times win ways we don’t like!
rayannina about 14 years ago
Okay, Orion, you win this week’s “Taking the Comics WAAAAAAY Too Seriously” award. Congrats.
kreole about 14 years ago
The internet isn’t the problem…..just the textdingering addiction part…and tweedleing!
grapfhics about 14 years ago
and we’re commenting.
GROG Premium Member about 14 years ago
They’ll find some other mindless persuits, like watching network television.
cdward about 14 years ago
Besides, if Danae destroyed the internet, where would we read “Non Sequitur”?
Hugh B. Hayve about 14 years ago
No need, the internet is already being killed by lawyers, advertisers and people who think that it’s a money making tool.
loudmouthbass about 14 years ago
re: cdward said, Besides, if Danae destroyed the internet, where would we read “Non Sequitur”?
a rocket scientist named gutenberg has just invented this thing called a “printing press” - maybe this time we’ll get it right….
alan.gurka about 14 years ago
But, without the Internet, how would I get my daily comics?
Lary Youngsteadt about 14 years ago
Algurka can you say newspaper?
lewisbower about 14 years ago
If not for the internet, someone could be employed scrubbing washroom walls.
GROG Premium Member about 14 years ago
larygene, a lot of the strips @ gocomics or elsewhere are not available in a newspaper, much less the the local paper.
ImaginaryFriend about 14 years ago
Are you sure they are not the thoughts of someone idle?
autumnfire1957 about 14 years ago
I’m with Orion, just make sure I can get my comics and comment with yous guys when I get the chance.
pdchapin about 14 years ago
Or as “The Onion” said a while back, “The Internet went down today resulting in a massive work startage.”
TexTech about 14 years ago
The internet, like so many other things, is a blessing and a curse. It all depends on how we choose to use it. Television started out fairly well. Who remembers Playhouse 90 and those other programs that gave us class dramas and comedies with superb writing and acting? Now we have Survivor and The Bachelor and other such drivel. And supposedly, the networks put those programs on because that is “what we want” instead of something that might actually engender thought and discussion (at least beyond, “who do you think is the hottest babe on ….”).
gjsjr41 about 14 years ago
Er…..what’s Orion doing reading comments for Non Sequitur? Shouldn’t he be doing something constructive? Like watching television?
Dillithamir about 14 years ago
Social networking is NOT the internet! It’s something that was added to the internet some time later…. blow the social networks!!
freeholder1 about 14 years ago
And, yes, I think Wiley is trying to shoot himself in his comic foot crashing the mindless net. he’d have to get folks mad in real life at parties and then he’d have all these brawling complaints on his record.
Same for a few of us, though I suspect almost no one here would have the who-ha’s to do it in real life.
freeholder1 about 14 years ago
Johnnydiego: You didn’t read Orion’s comment, did you? ;-)
freeholder1 about 14 years ago
the truth is, after all, it’s own anti-social network.
steverinoCT about 14 years ago
Before the Internet proper, I was on CompuServe and BBSs. The urge to socialize is strong.
thirdguy about 14 years ago
rayannina you win todays, best comment on a comment, award!!
OMC-USNR about 14 years ago
Unlimited internet use is like gun control. Remember,
It’s not GUNS that kill people, it’s PEOPLE with guns that kill people.
person918 about 14 years ago
these dern kids and their internet… back in my day the way we socially networked was hog-tying parties and jointly discriminating against black people
alan.gurka about 14 years ago
But the internet is free. Newspapers want a payment. Unless you get those free rags.
SaunaBeach about 14 years ago
But…..but……..whaddawe gonne DOOOOOO, wif out the Internet???
We’re lost, we’re doooomed!
mizcraig about 14 years ago
What I like is intelligent discourse. What you like is mindless drivel.
Bany39 about 14 years ago
I would not have to read comics on the web if our local paper would carry the good ones.
Dapperdan61 Premium Member about 14 years ago
What would I do without all the spam I get ?
Iwa Iniki about 14 years ago
Sounds good to me.
momazilla about 14 years ago
Textech: When I watch TV at all, it’s for the news.The rest of the day I’m on the net. or I end up watching PBS most evenings. You are right, most TV is trash.
Spyderred about 14 years ago
I suspect the decline of intelligence in television programs has caused many people to abandon it for the greater mental stimulation available via the net.
Spyderred about 14 years ago
I suspect the decline of intelligence in television programs has caused many people to abandon it for the greater mental stimulation available via the net.
cdward about 14 years ago
What would we do without the witty banter of GoComics commenters?
freeholder1 about 14 years ago
Well, I half agree, cd.
bmonk about 14 years ago
TexTech said, about 9 rants ago
The internet, like so many other things, is a blessing and a curse. It all depends on how we choose to use it. Television started out fairly well….
I’m with you. In the monastery, one of the things we have to do regularly is to consider how we will treat things and adapt policies to include them.
Is a computer a toy, a tool for work, a distraction? How do we establish rules for use, and monitoring?
Are the uses working?
We survived the invention of the printing press, newspapers, telephones, radio & television, even cell phones–I hope the internet and social networks will not be too difficult.
Tucker_Storrs about 14 years ago
How much you wanna bet that Wiley is going to make an Anti-Social networking site and tell us about it through Danae O_O
Tucker_Storrs about 14 years ago
WHAT? Premium Member about 14 years ago
I quit the paper when they quit my favorite comics. Can’t get what I like in paper form anymore.
Thomas Skogestad over 13 years ago
Previously known as Myspace, now known as Google Plus.