Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for March 15, 2019

  1. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  almost 6 years ago

    The last panel reminds me of the old saying, “Love me or hate me, just don’t ignore me.”

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  2. Tmdic190127 straightedge trustworthy
    HarryCK  almost 6 years ago

    Good morning™, dual identity killers !

    Mild manner column writer by day, psychotic killer by night. I just know this is the guy !!!

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  3. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  almost 6 years ago

    Barnabas or Barabbas. Hide on the inside with a false face. Mild mannered, controlled and seemingly meek. The worst kind of serial killers are that way. Which is very rare. About the smartest one may have been the Zodiac. Created a cypher that took decades to break. He was never found but may have been identified.

    Fortunately such serial murders are very rare. So far there is no evidence that any of them could be like Dr Hannibal Lector. The experts tell us he is just not possible. Which is very good for all of us.

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    fredville  almost 6 years ago

    …..since he upsets half his readers, gonna agree with finkd and guess he will be the next victim

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  5. Tmdic190127 straightedge trustworthy
    HarryCK  almost 6 years ago

    Editor guy might be the chair’s next occupant.

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    Knightman Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Barnabas? Isn’t he a vampire in Dark Shadows!!! If it wasn’t daylight I would think? Hummmm

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  7. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  almost 6 years ago

    Good morning™, sports column readers!

    Meet Barnabas Tar. Half of his readers want him tarred and feathered. They had better be careful what they say or he will tar and feather them before they can do it to him. I’m assuming this is the sportswriter (and probable murderer) we saw back in the sneak preview.

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  8. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  almost 6 years ago

    Should’ve been “Tarr” with two “R’s” ✨

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  9. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  almost 6 years ago

    Ummm.. anyone ELSE notice that the face on the screen above the editors desk HIGHLY resembles Mayor Whatshername?

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  10. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  almost 6 years ago

    Isn’t that the way it normally is?

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  11. Galaxian
    sixam  almost 6 years ago

    Barnabas Tar has a problem with his posture. All that negative feedback has weighed him down.

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    Counterpoint  almost 6 years ago

    Tar’s posture is slumped over in panel #2 – he’s definitely spending too much time at his desk writing the column – doesn’t look like your typical serial killer type…

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  13. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  almost 6 years ago

    A takeoff on the mild mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper? Except this one has an evil side.! Or is he a victim? Time will tell!

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  14. Missing large
    anopcfox1  almost 6 years ago

    He too looks like Dick Tracy!

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    vanisleson  almost 6 years ago

    Does he have a big “S” on his undershirt? Is there a phone booth nearby? He MAY just be on OUR side !

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  16. Jeep head 02
    Ray Toler  almost 6 years ago

    A glasses-wearing, cigar smoking man sits at an old typewriter (not a computer) talking to someone. We learn that the smoking man, while concerned about his listener’s comfort, is upset at the listener for some “testy letters” (in one panel “posts” in another—were they posts online or physical snail-mail letters?). The smoking man rests his cigar in an ashtray inscribed “Great Smoky Mountains”—2/15/19

    The smoking man admits to being an award-winning sportswriter. As we look at a large serrated hunting knife we learn the cigar man is angry that the opinion he expressed in his column has been challenged by the listener, who is apparently the person who either sent or posted the “testy” remarks. We next see the listener tied in a chair as the smoking man rises and remarks that his article is finished next (and we assume the listener’s life by stabbing or mutilation).>—2/16/19

    Joe Sampson arrives in Tracytown. [He may have been Bonnie Tracy’s old boyfriend but the relationship, if any, ended a few years ago when Bonnie lost her job as a teacher on the Yakima Reservation in Washington and moved back home to Tracytown. How did their relationship end and why?]—3/3/19

    Joe tells Tracy he’s on Leave of Absence from his own force but is in town on his own to track an active serial killer. We learn from Joe that the serial killer had a residence in Joe’s city. That’s where Joe found the portion of an airline ticket to Tracytown. (Wonder how the killer got on the plane without his ticket or why he tore it up? Wonder why Joe is tracking a guy while on Leave of Absence? Wonder why Joe is on Leave of Absense in the first place? If the serial killer has crossed state lines, why didn’t Joe notify the FBI?)—3/6/19

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  17. Unnamed
    Another Take  almost 6 years ago

    Alternative Script: 1) The boss wants to see you. You in trouble now. 2) Have a seat. NOT IN THE CHAIR!. ON YOUR KNEES! 3) BOSS: I run a top fashion magazine and you come in here dressed like it’s six PM at the Cleaver household! BARNABAS: But it’s a Pierre Cardagone boss! BOSS: Get out! You’re fired! BARNABAS: OK but I’m taking this pencil. Suckaaaaa!

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  18. Tracy
    coratelli  almost 6 years ago

    Mmm…. this is the serial killer, maybe?

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  19. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  almost 6 years ago

    This may be the killer. True 2 does’t make a serial murderer, unless he has others we don’t know about.

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    ssledge  almost 6 years ago

    I notice that Alley Oop is now available from the 50’s. Wish Tracy would be too.

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  21. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 6 years ago

    Barnabas Tar: stocky build (muscular, strong?); slouched posture (faux meekness?); cardigan-wearing & pencil-clutching (Old School, veteran [sports?] columnist for a metropolitan newspaper somewhere—there is no evidence one way or the other where The Daily is located, unless you believe that it is Tracyville’s Mayor Barbara Armstrong on the editor’s [?—we don’t know that either, but just assume it] big-screen TV, and even that would not be conclusive).

    So, are we to conclude that Barnabas Tar is The Butcher? Though all the evidence of today’s strip is speculative or circumstantial, I kinda think this is our serial killer….

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    BreathlessMahoney77  almost 6 years ago

    Do people really use phrases like “tar & feathered” anymore? For that matter, do people really read printed newspapers anymore? Tar could write for a sports web site, & he’s probably getting a lot of clicks.

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