Prickly City by Scott Stantis for April 21, 2019

  1. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  almost 6 years ago

    Words fail me on just how bad today’s installment is.

    Tragedy that, anything other than totally unhinged capitalism has been called “socialism” for so long that many Democrats are no longer uncomfortable with the name.

    Not that there’s anything in the name. No one is talking about state ownership of enterprise. Just regulation and protection for its customers and employees.

    The little guys. The ones who make it all possible.

    By always passing our wealth up the chain to the already rich.

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  2. Bb
    Georgette Washington Bunny  almost 6 years ago

    More like a Donald Trump Easter, if you remember his history with contractors.

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    braindead Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Yeah, Z. When three American people have as much as 1/2 the remainder of the population, it’s wonderful and the natural order of things.

    If only that bottom half wasn’t lazy, they’d all have billions.


    The analysis skills of the Trump Disciple continue to amaze.

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  4. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   almost 6 years ago


    Amazon — and 56 other corporations — took your tax dollars

    “Sixty profitable corporations paid no federal taxes in 2018, twice the number that typically paid nothing in the years before the 2017 tax breaks took effect.

    In fact, it’s worse than that. Fifty-seven of these corporations demanded rebates from the government – which means taxpayers like you and me paid them to exist.

    These are corporations on the dole. They claim to hate socialism if it means Medicare for All, but they sure as hell love socialism when it’s welfare for them.

    The deficits grow like this: Amazon, the online marketplace, made nearly $11 billion last year and instead of paying the current, low 21 percent corporate tax rate on that income, it demanded that taxpayers give it $129 million.

    Which they did.

    It wasn’t a rebate since Amazon paid no taxes. It was a big fat, gift withdrawn involuntarily from workers’ pockets, wrapped in a fuzzy, flocked Amazon smiley bag, and deposited directly into corporate coffers.

    This is perverse wealth transfer, from the poor and middle class to the rich and corporations.

    And taxpayers didn’t even get Amazon Prime in exchange.

    Of the 60 profitable corporations that paid no taxes, 57 got payments like this from workers.

    Amazon’s wasn’t even the largest. Ten companies took more, including Duke Energy, which set an infamous record for itself by grubbing the most – $647 million.

    On about $76 billion in pretax income, the 57 forced taxpayers to give them $4.3 billion."

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  5. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    This might make sense if Carmen was sitting on a million eggs, like a dragon on its hoard, and Winslow had only one, and was starving.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    A one-percenters (ala Koch Brothers) Easter.

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    Loki Fire Breather  almost 6 years ago

    Look at Venezuela’s mess to see socialism at its bestWhat folks don’t realize in all the countries with “free health care” is that ALL pay taxes. In the US 75 % don’t pay taxes…. so they little guys will have to pay their share too

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    gammaguy  almost 6 years ago

    Scott is portraying Carmen as one of the 1%? That’s a new attitude for him, isn’t it?

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    WestNYC Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Good toon today Scott. The Sandernistas was to use the forced hand of government to redistribute resources according to what Uncle Bernie dictates as ‘fair’.

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  10. Oceandriftwood
    Phrosty 12Oaks  almost 6 years ago

    There went the no politics Sunday cartoon. :(

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  11. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    That’s not how it works, Stantis.

    You know better. You really do. And now all you’ve done is you’ve gotten the ignorant, the uneducated and the backwards all stirred up. For shame.

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    Brain Pudding  almost 6 years ago

    Jesus has Risen! Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus has conquered death and created a path of redemption for those who repent and seek God with a sincere heart.

    Nothing can defeat us know.

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  13. Pine marten3
    martens  almost 6 years ago

    Smith wrote two classic works, The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) and An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776). Even Adam Smith recognized the need for empathy and concern for others in economic endeavors. Too bad the modern winner-take-all capitalists have forgotten that—-and it may end up destroying the system they are so fond of.

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    gcottay  almost 6 years ago

    Where in the world did that come from, Scott?

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  15. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    As I replied to a couple of posters here, the liberals just can’t get over insulting people who voted for President Trump. This was one of many reasons Hillary lost, keep it up and you’ll lose in 2020.

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    tuna63  almost 6 years ago

    How revealing that Stantis attempts to dis (on this day of all days-Easter Sunday) the Democrats by sliming a Jewish politician for proposing to do what that great Jewish Rabbi Jesus told us to do-care for the sick.

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    mobile  almost 6 years ago

    We have been a Democratic Socialist state for a very long time: Public Libraries, Public Schools, Police, Fire Departments, paved streets and roads, Sidewalks, Parks, the list goes on.

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    MarkSpieglan  almost 6 years ago

    I assumed a conservative would want to keep Easter about Jesus, but I guess not.

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    FSogol  almost 6 years ago

    Wow, an anti-Semitic comic strip on Easter Sunday. Is this what passes for conservative thought these day? No words.

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