I remember this from when my kids were little. That is the early version of the division question. So if they asked how many 5’s in 43, the answer is 8. When they started to ask divide 43 by 5, the answer was 8 with 3 remainder and then later it was 8.6. The version in the comic is the equivalent of what dividing and dropping any fractions.
Rod Gonzalez almost 6 years ago
Did she really write down the right answer?
Thechildinme almost 6 years ago
Why we have illiterate graduates. Much of today’s curiculum has no value in anything but test results.
2peabody1 almost 6 years ago
my kind of math…
Stocky One almost 6 years ago
This reminds me of the kid who had to solve a math equation. The instruction said “Find x,” He put a circle around it and wrote, “Here it is!”
MichaelHelwig almost 6 years ago
The question is too vague.
Alberta Oil almost 6 years ago
A typical daft question.. trying to guess the intent of the question and not what it literally says.
DM2860 almost 6 years ago
I remember this from when my kids were little. That is the early version of the division question. So if they asked how many 5’s in 43, the answer is 8. When they started to ask divide 43 by 5, the answer was 8 with 3 remainder and then later it was 8.6. The version in the comic is the equivalent of what dividing and dropping any fractions.
WCraft Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I don’t see how this is funny -that is the correct answer, right?
jless almost 6 years ago
The Answer is right, because the Question is wrong.
rlaker22j almost 6 years ago
the masses be damned
cuzinron47 almost 6 years ago
The teacher cannot dispute that is the correct answer.
1MadHat Premium Member almost 6 years ago
The question is not nearly as stupid as the person who wrote it….
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 6 years ago
The way it was written means the teacher expects every student to understand the intent. Any smart asses get a red mark for being wrong.
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member almost 6 years ago
And the number of months in a year with 28 days is 12.
gcarlson almost 6 years ago
One of my grandmother’s cousins, then 11, was asked in Swedish, “How old are you?” She replied, “Tvo streck!” (Two streaks)
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 6 years ago
One. There is one five in fiftyfive.