FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for June 13, 2019

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 5 years ago

    This is the United States, Eugene. You’re getting the bed that is 0.0016 inches longer. Oh, and hello to you.

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    LeeCox  over 5 years ago

    People, meet the only person in the world whom Jason is going to hate even more than he pretends to hate Eileen!

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    Zykoic  over 5 years ago

    Bunk envy.

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    biglar  over 5 years ago

    Hmmmmmm…….. Wouldn’t a REAL nerd would have said 40 micrometers?

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    jpayne4040  over 5 years ago

    This looks like it will be a whole lot of fun!

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    DanFlak  over 5 years ago

    If this strip were originally published today, I would guess that the thing all the kids are carrying is a smart phone, but since it’s decades old and they are all nerds, I’ll guess that it’s a calculator.

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  7. Dk
    kunddog  over 5 years ago

    I think a nerd would say 4000 nanometers… sounds more impressive

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  8. Ultaman les paul
    jvn  over 5 years ago

    That is one crazy accurate ruler!

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    the lost wizard  over 5 years ago

    Just wait until they get in the showers.

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    EdCampbell  over 5 years ago

    The UK officially went metric years ago. People there still buy pints and rate cars by their time ‘naught to 60’. People there seemed to be smarter when they had to juggle number like pounds shillings and pence. The imperial measuring system keeps the mind sharp. The metric system serves to make the silly little import cars seem big and fast.

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  11. 04halloweensm
    phlash  over 5 years ago

    You mean 40 Microns? N00b

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    yangeldf  over 5 years ago

    metric or standard, there’s no ruler that has marks that tiny, besides, a sliver that thin can easily be lost in margins of error like the way the blankets are folded or something.

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