Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for November 06, 2019

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 5 years ago

    lección fantástica

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    willispate  over 5 years ago

    California Traffic.

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  3. Homer  invent that
    comic4matt  over 5 years ago

    Words of the wise…

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    jmworacle  over 5 years ago

    There are some places you don’t want to be on the highway

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    dlkrueger33  over 5 years ago

    We literally just returned (late last night) from a road trip of the Atlanta region. OMG….what a nightmare! How does anyone live there? You’d have to pay me a minimum of a million dollars salary to deal with that mess!

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    joegeethree  over 5 years ago

    When traffic is backed up, it’s time for the scenic route.

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    WCraft  over 5 years ago

    Must be LA. What a wonderful traffic situation they have there!

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    David Rickard Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Yeah… The highway’s jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive.

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  9. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 5 years ago

    Mexico City is the absolute worst to try to drive in – even in the middle of the night!

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  10. Wingedcloud yuku
    SapphireSkies Premium Member over 5 years ago

    In the Washington DC area, the back roads are usually just as clogged as the highways!

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  11. Toughcat
    bakana  over 5 years ago

    Lesson 2: No one Drives on the highway.

    They just park their cars on it and get Angrier and Angrier as time goes by and traffic never Moves.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 5 years ago

    That is an affirmative.

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