The concern is REAL. I used to live in a little valley surrounded by huge oak trees. Always worried that the ones behind my house (leaning toward my house!) would one day fall on it. Fast forward to Hurricane Sandy. Two trees fell…one on the neighbor’s house to the right of me and one on the neighbor’s house to the LEFT of me. I was the lucky one. That time. Figured it was time to sell before my luck ran out. I lived there for 33 years…..
Tell me about it. My Chevy Cruze looks like it has small pox. Anyone know the easiest way to get rid of about 10,000 acorns? I’m about to start breeding squirrels.
Auntie Socialist about 5 years ago
If a tree falls on your house and there’s no insurance adjuster there to hear it, is it still covered?
Nachikethass about 5 years ago
Arlo’s off his game in this arc! He is growing old!
alasko about 5 years ago
I’d be more concerned about standing under the oak and getting hit by acorns.
Milady Meg about 5 years ago
dlkrueger33 about 5 years ago
The concern is REAL. I used to live in a little valley surrounded by huge oak trees. Always worried that the ones behind my house (leaning toward my house!) would one day fall on it. Fast forward to Hurricane Sandy. Two trees fell…one on the neighbor’s house to the right of me and one on the neighbor’s house to the LEFT of me. I was the lucky one. That time. Figured it was time to sell before my luck ran out. I lived there for 33 years…..
david_42 about 5 years ago
I know a grumpy old man who turned into a grumpy old woman. Wife was not amused and filed for divorce.
dv1093 about 5 years ago
Tell me about it. My Chevy Cruze looks like it has small pox. Anyone know the easiest way to get rid of about 10,000 acorns? I’m about to start breeding squirrels.
DaveQuinn about 5 years ago
Question. WHY should it fall? Oaks are known to live many many years. What is all the worry about?
assrdood about 5 years ago
Anybody know a clever name for a female curmudgeon?
No, I’m serious… and keep the suggestions clean (sorta).
ericbrower about 5 years ago
Uh, no Arlo. You’re not helping.
Homerville Premium Member about 5 years ago
Arlo, be careful where you step.
cuzinron47 about 5 years ago
In other words, Arlo is turning into a grumpy old man, Janis has been grumpy all along.
360guy Premium Member about 5 years ago
Biologically unlikely she won’t turn into a man?!??!!? The most controversial thing I’ve ever read.
Herb L 1954 about 5 years ago
Out of the acorn,the mighty oak tree grows.I have a weeping willow ;~|
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 5 years ago
Why don’t people reinforce their trees instead of just chopping it down and adding to the carbon dioxide?
MartinPerry1 about 5 years ago
If the two of them decide to cut down the tree, doesn’t that mean that they’ll have to split up?
Tyge about 5 years ago
I, for one, am thoroughly confused with this week’s episode.
Who’s on first?
April Anemone about 5 years ago
No comment from Jackie, or from Ghost? Let’s hope they are okay. Or maybe they are fed up, as some of us are, somewhat, with this tiresome topic.