Swan Eaters by Georgia Dunn for November 22, 2019

  1. Pucky heart 2
    Lily.spokescat  over 5 years ago


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  2. Small keeper
    McColl34 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Of all monsters, real or imagined, humans are usually the worst. If you think the trappers are bad, wait until the Nazis catch up to you. (And they will, of course).

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  3. Nc201206
    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Me too, Salem, me too.

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  4. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  over 5 years ago

    Oh no! Is it too late to help poor Foxy Loxy? Is that why Hickory was so agitated?

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  5. Idano
    Ida No  over 5 years ago

    Says the girl that ate swans for breakfast.

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  6. 43d42c13 032a 4c38 bae7 e97db5523c11
    Pet  over 5 years ago

    Me too Salem. Me too.

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  7. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  over 5 years ago

    Poor fox.

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  8. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  over 5 years ago

    When we first moved to the house where I’ve lived most of my life, it was all farm country. The road was a tar and gravel road that didn’t get a lot of traffic, so my dad would just let the dogs out to “do their business” and then let them back in when they scratched on the door. One Saturday morning, Jo Jo came back, but Brownie didn’t. When my dad opened the door to let Jo Jo in, he barked and ran off the porch and towards the farm across the road. My dad finally realized Jo Jo was going full on “Lassie” only instead of “Timmy’s in the well,” it was “Brownie’s in the weeds.” He put on a jacket and started following Jo Jo. He led Dad to the tree line on the far edge of the farm property across the road. Mom and I watched as Dad disappeared into the tree line. Finally he came back carrying Brownie in one arm and a steel-jaw spring trap in the other. Brownie had stepped on the trap and gotten caught by the toes. His paw was all bloody and he was whimpering in pain. At least there was a lot of luck on Brownies side. If Jo Jo hadn’t been so insistent that something was wrong, who knows how long Brownie would have been stuck in that trap. The vet had Saturday morning hours and was able to see him right away. Brownie lost a couple of toes, but his paw was saved. If it hadn’t been a Saturday, Dad wouldn’t have been home. My mom and I probably wouldn’t have had the stamina to traipse through the fields looking for Brownie or the strength to pry open the trap. Even if we had been able to free him, my mom never learned to drive.

    My dad notified the game warden who said he’d inspect the area for more traps, but we never found out who had set it.

    I hate traps!

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  9. Img 3765
    BarbaraKrooss  over 5 years ago

    How many versions of a “reanimate” spell could she think up? Would a zombie-werefox type critter hunt down the trappers and chomp their ankles?

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  10. Mini mini me
    andycat Premium Member over 5 years ago

    To be fair, for those commenters noting the stupidity about wool, there are certain groups out there deliberately spreading false information about wool. PETA comes to mind. That’s the double-edged sword of the Internet. You can easily find the correct answer, but just as easily find the deliberate misinformation.

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  11. Getfuzzybucky
    The Comic Girl  over 4 years ago

    The killing of animals is unethical and cruel. Would you be upset if somebody killed a friend of yours? A family member? How do you that fox isn’t a mama, with starving babies at home? Would you have the heart to pull the trigger on an innocent child? If not, then how could you kill an innocent animal? You can eat an entirely healthy vegetarian or vegan diet. In more cases, it’s healthier. Killing in any manner except immediate self defense is wrong.

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