True story – back in the 70’s, I co-owned a record store in central New York State. One day, one of my partners and I were sitting at the front of the store and discussing our impressions of the intelligence of some of the kids who used to hang around the store. At the low end of the chart was a kid named Augie, and my partner posited that he probably couldn’t walk and talk at the same time. So, as Augie walked up from the back of the store, my partner called out “Hey Augie!” Augie came to a complete halt and replied “What?” We literally fell off our chairs, laughing.
Orcatime about 5 years ago
The cow on the left reminds me of the large dog on Secret Life of Pets!
Lyons Group, Inc. about 5 years ago
Tremendous artwork!
dadthedawg Premium Member about 5 years ago
They are not big on multi-tasking.
littlejohn Premium Member about 5 years ago
It’s just the udder truth.
Mentor397 about 5 years ago
I wish I could draw like that.
cgale42 about 5 years ago
Had bosses like that.
nosirrom about 5 years ago
Well they’ll just have to Ford ahead.
dukedoug about 5 years ago
A comment once directed at Gerald Ford.
littlejohn Premium Member about 5 years ago
They, the cattle, will be mooing along when they finish that patch of deep green grass.
carlzr about 5 years ago
What does he expect them to do? The Charleston?
comixbomix about 5 years ago
I see you folks are milking this one for all it’s worth…
cocavan11 about 5 years ago
They’re channeling the GOP Senate Leadershit
Alberta Oil about 5 years ago
City folk.. just don’t know stuff
Pocosdad about 5 years ago
True story – back in the 70’s, I co-owned a record store in central New York State. One day, one of my partners and I were sitting at the front of the store and discussing our impressions of the intelligence of some of the kids who used to hang around the store. At the low end of the chart was a kid named Augie, and my partner posited that he probably couldn’t walk and talk at the same time. So, as Augie walked up from the back of the store, my partner called out “Hey Augie!” Augie came to a complete halt and replied “What?” We literally fell off our chairs, laughing.
DCBakerEsq about 5 years ago
Cows have a nice life. Until that slaughterhouse ending, of course.
Mediatech about 5 years ago
No bull.
WilliamPennat about 5 years ago
Then let’s not elect one of them President….
buckman-j about 5 years ago
Cows? They look like Buffalo, or Mammoths?
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member about 5 years ago
Looks like that big bull heard them, and is gonna be upset, and charge right through that fence, and make their hay!
Linguist about 5 years ago
When I lived in Arizona, I knew a couple of old boys who (more than once) in their long, sordid careers, had been accused of cattle rustling.
They called it “huntin’ slow-movin’ elk”!
David Peters about 5 years ago
Cows are female.
Here's Waldo about 5 years ago
Cow sh* I know?
tad1 about 5 years ago
Great artwork in today’s strip.