Speed Bump by Dave Coverly for December 28, 2019

  1. Jmao9763
    mddshubby2005  about 5 years ago

    uploading Apple Maps data…

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  2. Black lion
    PICTO  about 5 years ago

    He should have gone at night…

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  3. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  about 5 years ago

    I’ve always liked this story because it tells us so much about when it was first told. Things like knowing the sun is high, but no idea about how high. And simply assuming that, like the ships they used, it wouldn’t be possible to fly at night.

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    dsatvoinde Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Icarus 2.0

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    J Quest  about 5 years ago

    Daedalus knows best…

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    Zebrastripes  about 5 years ago

    GPS isn’t always on target

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    dflak  about 5 years ago

    Pride goeth before the fall.

    I once tried to get my aircraft to do more than it was capable of doing. I was not as good as I thought I was. Mother Nature took me over her knee and gave my pride a good spanking. She did not put me in permanent time-out. I survived with stained underwear, diminished hubris and a giant increase in wisdom.

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    cubswin2016  about 5 years ago

    Common sense beats technology any day.

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    HarryLime  about 5 years ago

    The fable has nothing to do with science, but entirely about children not listening to the wisdom of their elders.

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    WCraft  about 5 years ago

    That’s what happens when you don’t pay for updates.

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    KEA  about 5 years ago

    some people are entirely too reliant on technology. One thing we had to take into account when pocket calculators started popping up in math class.

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    Honorable Mention In The Banjo Toss Premium Member about 5 years ago

    “Son, let me wax philosophical for a moment. Okay, maybe that’s a poor choice of words…”

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    DoktorScheisskopf  about 5 years ago

    “Then go ahead and wing it, son!”

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    JohnHarry Premium Member about 5 years ago

    They never listen.

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    the lost wizard  about 5 years ago

    Wax philosophic.

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    DonaldH1  about 5 years ago

    Old joke: Mexican and American were bragging about their respective nations Eventually, American said, “We’re the first country who went to the moon.” Mexican replied, "Well, we Mexicans will be the first country who sent to the sun. American said, "That’s stupid. You can’t go to the sun. You’ll get burned to death. Mexican said, “You’re the stupid one. We’ll go at night!” (I heard this in high school over 50 years ago. Never forgot it., Happy New Year, everybody—un prospero ano nuevo!

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  17. Kebukai jam session
    AStarofDestiny  about 5 years ago

    Flight of Icarus…also one of my favorite songs.

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