the problem with the news is that they get caught up in what they want to show you. I lost my faith in them during the OJ simpson trial. it was all that was on and they claimed ‘ratings show it’s what people want’ but sincei t was the only thing on, it was of course going to get good ratinmgs. and while it dominated the news as if it was the biggest thing happening-lance ito had TWO coffee’s today-if you watched the BBC, Canadian or french news casts it was the 5th or 7th item reported on.
Watcher about 5 years ago
Get yourself an ear worm song running in your head. It will block everything out.
finkd about 5 years ago
Isn’t that guy on the T.V. the one that Cap’n Eddie left stranded on a floating island of plastic waste ?
franki_g about 5 years ago
>U : making American news grate
jessie d. about 5 years ago
Gina and the restraining order? one of Nixon’s progeny?
Masterskrain about 5 years ago
Oh God… he’s back…
Wizard of Ahz-no relation about 5 years ago
the problem with the news is that they get caught up in what they want to show you. I lost my faith in them during the OJ simpson trial. it was all that was on and they claimed ‘ratings show it’s what people want’ but sincei t was the only thing on, it was of course going to get good ratinmgs. and while it dominated the news as if it was the biggest thing happening-lance ito had TWO coffee’s today-if you watched the BBC, Canadian or french news casts it was the 5th or 7th item reported on.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 5 years ago
Uh oh. I sense a recurring annoying character. …sigh
the lost wizard about 5 years ago
If you’re not interested in actual news you can always watch CNN or Fox.
DCBakerEsq about 5 years ago
Watching the evening news is like going to an inexperienced dentist.
NaturLvr about 5 years ago
One of the tactics finally helpful against McCarthyism was to get the press to quit giving the guy the spotlight. Hint, hint.
danketaz Premium Member about 5 years ago
Who’s doing the violating, you or her?
Redd Panda about 5 years ago
Rumors are flying around…..Carlos Ghosn is going to join the trump cabinet. What position is what I’m wondering. I’m sure he has so much to offer.