Brewster Rockit by Tim Rickard for January 20, 2020

  1. Jmao9763
    mddshubby2005  about 5 years ago

    Better that he needs a diversion from the program than a diversion program, Pam.

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  2. Img 1931
    Sanspareil  about 5 years ago

    Pam will always be a diversion!

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  3. Rick o shay
    wiatr  about 5 years ago

    When I was his age it was a book when things got slow.

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  4. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 5 years ago

    I read comics online as a diversion from the news.

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  5. Desron14
    Masterskrain  about 5 years ago

    I would LOVE to see a “Reality Show” where a group of teenagers try to go ONE WEEK without their Phones, Tablets, Computers, or ANY Electronic Devices. I bet NONE OF THEM could do it.

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  6. Media 5dc187a4803260.04617927 fdd8684c13693e6d6c85e304b87dcbf01c6b0e48b4fdb1af66a6adf1388907b3
    anomalous4  about 5 years ago

    These days I spend a lot of time reading books on my Chromebook while casting classical music from YouTube on my phone to my TV. Same lifelong habits; only the technology has changed. :-)

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  7. 690904ef 1e7c 4d36 a98a f46b185ca15f
    DCBakerEsq  about 5 years ago

    I watch videos on my iPad WHILE I’m watching television.

    It keeps my ADD in check.

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  8. N1495118875 241922 2408
    Ermine Notyours  about 5 years ago

    It was my mom who would listen to the radio while watching TV, and my grandmother from my dad’s side who got upset at me for channel surfing rather than searching for a show in the TV listing first.

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  9. Stinker
    cuzinron47  about 5 years ago

    What’s the problem, he’s multitasking.

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  10. Charlie brown and snoopy
    Jim G Premium Member about 5 years ago

    It seems to me that TV stopped being a “diversion” for most people a long time ago…

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  11. Nomagram
    COL Crash  about 5 years ago

    I bet he has it tuned to “Short Attention Span Theatre”.

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  12. Photo
    RobertReite  about 5 years ago

    When I was a kid, if a show got “too slow” for more than a couple episodes I quit watching it. Today, I don’t even watch Television. Last time I had it on was for the flood emergency in 2011 in our area.

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  13. Win 20201204 12 32 23 pro
    oakie817  about 5 years ago


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  14. Toughcat
    bakana  about 5 years ago

    Littler Diversions have Lesser Diversions, and Lesser Diversions have Tiny Diversions …

    And so, ad infinitum.

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