Twister just doesn’t work as a game for older folks. Even if you can get into those positions, you can’t hear yourself think over the snapping and crackling of joints.
My follow up from yesterday: after vacuuming the house, my back and hips expressed their agony. I took an aspirin with a large glass of water. Then, like Earl, I plunked down on the floor, with legs in the seat of a wing chair and…it felt SO good! Stayed in that position for 10 minutes, then rolled to the side, swung my legs over the chair arms, and maneuvered into standing position!
Similar to my wife (RIP) and I c. 1968, and ‘poof’ our second child. Coincidentally, I learned about the birth control pill rule about the break to the next start date.
mywifeslover almost 5 years ago
Or something
Concretionist almost 5 years ago
Twister just doesn’t work as a game for older folks. Even if you can get into those positions, you can’t hear yourself think over the snapping and crackling of joints.
stellanova87 almost 5 years ago
They’re trying to give you a baby brother or sister, better cover your eyes.
dadoctah almost 5 years ago
I never got much enjoyment out of Twister. Probably something to do with being colorblind.
Breadboard almost 5 years ago
WOW flew the whole way out of the chair !
iggyman almost 5 years ago
Twister? Oh yes, that’s right!
enigmamz almost 5 years ago
We got that free sample of (name of little-blue-pill variant goes here)! GO AWAY!!!
cubswin2016 almost 5 years ago
Leave it to a family member to come in and catch you doing something embarrassing.
jagedlo almost 5 years ago
I’m surprised that Opal had that much strength!
Joey D. almost 5 years ago
rhpii almost 5 years ago
Two broken hips later…
Zebrastripes almost 5 years ago
Thechildinme almost 5 years ago
My follow up from yesterday: after vacuuming the house, my back and hips expressed their agony. I took an aspirin with a large glass of water. Then, like Earl, I plunked down on the floor, with legs in the seat of a wing chair and…it felt SO good! Stayed in that position for 10 minutes, then rolled to the side, swung my legs over the chair arms, and maneuvered into standing position!
paul almost 5 years ago
“Playing Twister” is exactly why I’d never walk into my parent’s house.
Barnabus Blackoak almost 5 years ago
wheres the chair in the last panel?
joefearsnothing almost 5 years ago
Just what were they trying to do? Seriously!
Alberta Oil almost 5 years ago
My plan from yesterday (without the rope) and she forgot to duck.
Herb L 1954 almost 5 years ago
Earl got run over by the reign,dear ;)
ForrestOverin almost 5 years ago
“Correct, Sylvia! ‘Something’…”
Holilubillkori Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Oooo….a rope and a chair…we’re playing Bondage! Lol
DondiDoo almost 5 years ago
Should have tried this in a recliner
ChessPirate almost 5 years ago
“Oops! I’ll come back later.” ☺
sarahbowl1 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
zeexenon almost 5 years ago
Similar to my wife (RIP) and I c. 1968, and ‘poof’ our second child. Coincidentally, I learned about the birth control pill rule about the break to the next start date.
debra4life almost 5 years ago
Or something.
cuzinron47 almost 5 years ago
We don’t call it Twister anymore. There’s many variations to this game now, one is called find the contact.