Candidates and players both reach out to their bases. There are a lot of fouls in both. And when a candidate starts “sliding” in the polls from his own district, he makes a “home run” from Washington to shore it up.
There is no lying in baseball. Oh wait, something about a garbage can lid and cameras and the world series? Bunch of wealthy people doing anything to win, to distract masses of people from thinking, learning, reading what is real? That’s professional sports IMO.
You can lie, and lie again, and lie again, and lie again, and your base will start to believe it. Then they will repeat the lie over and over and over again until they think it’s true.
Leojim almost 5 years ago
Drama time for the triggered ones….snicker snicker
electricshadow Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Ge, remember when we were looking forward to baseball to take our minds off the campaign?
P51Strega almost 5 years ago
Candidates and players both reach out to their bases. There are a lot of fouls in both. And when a candidate starts “sliding” in the polls from his own district, he makes a “home run” from Washington to shore it up.
jal333 almost 5 years ago
There is no lying in baseball. Oh wait, something about a garbage can lid and cameras and the world series? Bunch of wealthy people doing anything to win, to distract masses of people from thinking, learning, reading what is real? That’s professional sports IMO.
uniquename almost 5 years ago
“Opposition research”. In Huston and Boston, it’s called stealing signs.
Saddenedby Premium Member almost 5 years ago
or – politics has taught me that I can lie about anything and everything AND not be held accountable.
sandpiper almost 5 years ago
Buttercup is a baseball star. He has demonstrated every single slick move in the game and is inventing even more as he plays with America’s future.
InTraining Premium Member almost 5 years ago
and in Illinois, the then govener tried to sell a seat, l just like the Cubs and Sox sell their seats…!
Zen-of-Zinfandel almost 5 years ago
You can change pitchers and nominees midstream.
Tentoes almost 5 years ago
Thaves has a clear understanding of life.
falcon_370f almost 5 years ago
Covid 19 has left politics the only game in the house, and the only race being run.
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member almost 5 years ago
And no matter whom you’re rooting for, everyone agrees that the game drags on for far too long.
oakie817 almost 5 years ago
but who’s on first?
saltylife16 almost 5 years ago
Remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty
the lost wizard almost 5 years ago
Oddly enough, baseball is really all about self-isolating if you think about it.
Richard S Russell Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Politics is like baseball in another way as well: They’re pitching it, we’re catching it.
(Determining what “it” is is left as an exercise for the student.)
sandflea almost 5 years ago
You can lie, and lie again, and lie again, and lie again, and your base will start to believe it. Then they will repeat the lie over and over and over again until they think it’s true.
braindead Premium Member almost 5 years ago
The Messiah lies about every issue and His Disciples join in.