Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 09, 2011
Joe: Better hurry or you'll miss the school bus, Danae... Danae: Nope... I have something a lot more important to do, Daddy... As the head of the Benevolent Order of Superior Sisterhood, I'm going to lobby Congress to end the scourge of stinky, booger-brained boys and put girls in charge of everything! Joe: O-o-o-kay... how well-funded is your lobby? Danae: Uh... that depends. How much have you got? Joe: I think I've spotted a flaw in your plan. Danae: That's impossible! Girls are flawless!!
LordDogmore almost 14 years ago
Just remember kids “Dad” is spelled D-A-D and not A-T-M.
GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago
And you have not discovered your flaw - you have mad 2 flaws….. And you have not corrected your flaw through sterilization - you have made 3 flaws……
grapfhics almost 14 years ago
His timing is off. That what you get without any patience.
Bittermelon of Truth almost 14 years ago
Nancy Pelosi got booted from her post as House speaker, good luck convincing Congress to let another girl take charge…
dataweaver almost 14 years ago
Girls may be flawless; but in that household, they’re also fundless…
cdward almost 14 years ago
^Uh, BinaryWiener, how many guys have been booted from that post before? Just sayin’.
ghoti30 Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Pelosi didn’t get booted for doing a bad job, she was booted for being a woman. The Male, Pale and Stale portion of Congress called for her ouster before she even took over the job…
My mom taught me how to change my own oil…without calling JiffyLube.
And the boys gave us Newt…Just sayin’…
Rodney99 almost 14 years ago
If the women were really as smart as Danae thinks they are, they wouldn’t WANT to be in charge.
The “leader” takes the heat for the incompetence of the rest of the organization.
wicky almost 14 years ago
She should be on Lithium.
Packratjohn Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Hey Bianry, when did Ms Pelosi revert to being a “girl”? That shows a darker part of you….
Nebulous Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Looking at the historical record, it’s clear that humans should never be allowed to have political power.
Problem is, nobody else on Earth wants the responsibility.
Olfarto almost 14 years ago
Just a thought: Isn’t dad ALSO a stinky, booger-brained boy, all grown up?
Not too smart there, Danae, seeking funds from the enemy.
lewisbower almost 14 years ago
Beep! Beep! Message from G.R.O.S.S. Slimey girls have attack plan . Note typo in manifesto. Said “Flaw” instead of “Use” Continue manufacturing snowballs. Attack imminent. Cannot decode “Betty” or “Gloria”
TheDOCTOR almost 14 years ago
TPPM almost 14 years ago
As Olfarto pointed out Dad is a boy.
And, Binary Weiner, Pelosi wasn’t booted out of her job, her party lost the majority, she’s still minority leader.
Varnes almost 14 years ago
Which one is older, Danae or Kate? Or are they opposite twins?
bmonk almost 14 years ago
Danae is not the only one to discover this flaw. Remember this?
No mon, no fun. Your Son. Too bad; so sad. Your Dad.MatureCanadian almost 14 years ago
Love the expression on the faces in the final section. Danae is correct of course women are perfect.
alan.gurka almost 14 years ago
Girls may be “flawless,” but they’re also penniless.
WaitingMan almost 14 years ago
@Night-Gaunt49: Calling congress booger-brained boys is an insult to booger-brained boys everywhere.
Justice22 almost 14 years ago
Danae will have to set up another advice stand……… “Fix Your Overabundance of cash”…….. $1M/hr.
puddleglum1066 almost 14 years ago
Laura: I thought Pelosi got booted from her position as Speaker of the House because the other party won a majority of the seats in Congress. Y’know, kinda like how my former representative Denny Hastert got the boot from that same job in ‘06…
As for Danae, has she yet learned the meaning of the phrase “PAC”? As in “Purchase A Congressperson”? That first word means you gotta have lots of money…
pouncingtiger almost 14 years ago
I know a lot of women who think that women “are flawless.”