Herb and Jamaal by Stephen Bentley for April 18, 2020

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    i_am_the_jam  almost 5 years ago

    Sounds just about right.

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    Joe-AllenDoty  almost 5 years ago

    I am 77 years old and went all 12 years to public school. Teachers don’t read the Bible in public schools; but, students are allowed to take their own bibles in schools and read then on their own time. I don’t know of any State Department of Education that certifies teacher to teach the Bible.

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  3. Uncle grandpa 2
    Joe-AllenDoty  almost 5 years ago

    I suppose that is Roman Catholic Priest. But, I have discovered that the parents who want Bible reading and prayer in public schools do NOT study the Bible with their children and they don’t pray WITH their children at home. They want the school to do that. In my family when I was growing up, we prayed before every meal. And on the evenings when we didn’t go to a church service, we had bible study and prayer together as a family.

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    jmworacle  almost 5 years ago

    Now if they wanted to teach Islam that’s a horse of a different colour.

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    Dani Rice  almost 5 years ago

    When I was in public school (the pterodactyl was still our national bird) the teacher read a passage from the Bible every morning. One I particularly remember was fond of Proverbs. We said the Lord’s Prayer; the Catholics stopped after “temptation” and the Protestants kept going. And there were students who didn’t join in at all. Nobody got their knickers in a knot.

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    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    then again, maybe not

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    preacherman Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    That’s not entirely true, Rev. Bibles as well as any other religious materials can be read, studied or debated in school: just not by the school staff and teachers. Students can read the Bible, pray, hold religious meetings so long as it is totally the work of the students themselves.

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    david_42  almost 5 years ago

    Where do you think criminals get their ideas? Try reading the whole Bible, not just five or six pages.

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    Michael G.  almost 5 years ago

    Actually, in US prison systems, most inmates profess one religion or another. The most under-represented segment of the population is non-believers. This is a statistical fact; look it up for yourselves.

    I’m not sure what exactly this says but religion has no place in public school classrooms. There’s no shortage of parochial schools for parents who wish to inculcate religious belief in their highly susceptible children. And no, pay for them yourselves. Public funds for religion, while a “growing trend”, is immoral and illegal.

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  10. Opus   bill
    DW Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    @ Stephen Bentley, don’t let the truth get in your way. Nothing prohibits the students from reading a bible, or other religious book, while in public school. The only limitation being they do not disturb others while doing so. The court ruling only prohibits the public school, and by proxy its staff, from leading or participating in religious activities while in their official duties as government employees. That includes leading/participating in prayer, or reading religious passages by public school employees. You know, totally not forcing a religious belief on a captive audience by a public employee.

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    dpatrickryan Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Nonsense. They just can’t FORCE you to read a bible in schools any more – and good riddance. Hey, fun statistic: what percentage of the prison population claim to be religious (mostly xtian)? In American prisons, about one IN A THOUSAND claim to be atheist, compared to one in a hundred in the general population. Oh, and islam is more than 10 times as common in prison, as in the general population. That old time religion sure does make good people! (NOT)

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    William Bludworth Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Religion needs to go away. The three major religions are based on a book that was mistranslated into English from Greek, which the Greek version was mistranslated from Hebrew and the Hebrew version being an interpretation of ancient Sumerian texts that, in turn, actually have absolutely NOTHING to do with a God of Creation or anything remotely divine.

    It’s no wonder there are so many wars, global conflicts, and unrest.

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  13. Triumph
    Daeder  almost 5 years ago

    No one is prevented from reading their bible in school during what little free time they have. Bibles just can’t be used as textbooks and teachers can’t tell children to read the bible. That’s all.

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    BonnieBilger  almost 5 years ago

    If you want to keep adults out of prison, take care of them when they are children. #compassionprisonproject

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