C’mon Colm, be the detective that you fancy yourself as being. Think about this situation and analyze it like Sherlock Holmes. First, there’s plenty of reason why a girl whose eyeglasses seem to be as thick as Coke bottles might need to carry around a magnifying glass. As for the matches (assuming she’s not secretly a smoker, which is always a possibility), that could be explained as simple Girl Scout constant preparedness for all emergencies. Oh, and she’s addicted to sniffing lighter fluid (just as your role model Holmes was addicted to his 7% solution). It’s a shameful problem, but perhaps you can help her work through her dependency.
Pharmakeus Ubik over 3 years ago
He should have waited until after the second eyebrow was done before the J’Accuse!
Aladar30 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Uh oh… Colm found something that was best never known. Now Claire will have to kill him. Adorable Little Claire, why? WHY???
imagenesis over 3 years ago
Why Claire, whyyyy!!! You better come up with a good explanation young lady! \(〇_o)/
Hamady Sack Premium Member over 3 years ago
Yeah, what about it Claire?
Michael G. over 3 years ago
Hm …
Mighty Phavahg over 3 years ago
Little Claire is actually Little Flare????!!!!
The Pro from Dover over 3 years ago
Cuzth I’m a fire bug thilly
RadioDial Premium Member over 3 years ago
Cue the dramatic music “Duh duh DUHH!”
seismic-2 Premium Member over 3 years ago
C’mon Colm, be the detective that you fancy yourself as being. Think about this situation and analyze it like Sherlock Holmes. First, there’s plenty of reason why a girl whose eyeglasses seem to be as thick as Coke bottles might need to carry around a magnifying glass. As for the matches (assuming she’s not secretly a smoker, which is always a possibility), that could be explained as simple Girl Scout constant preparedness for all emergencies. Oh, and she’s addicted to sniffing lighter fluid (just as your role model Holmes was addicted to his 7% solution). It’s a shameful problem, but perhaps you can help her work through her dependency.
scyphi26 over 3 years ago
Actually, Colm, now might be an okay time for a mad look.
GaryCooper over 3 years ago
All the girls wanna give Colm some eyebrows.
gigagrouch over 3 years ago
Called it…