Spoiler alert! 29 more strips to go or a month before the end of the series! I hope there is a continuation in the near future where the same kids are involved.
Ah, ok, some threads coming together here. There must be a shortage of goat in Tackleford. The price of goat tacos and chevre must have sky rocketed.
Who knew an imp, a moon calf and a sprite were the same thing?
Oh my stars! What if that biscuit tin had accidentally been used in a white elephant gift exchange? Things could have turned out very differently; possibly much better.
Can you imagine being snatched from your home, shoved in a biscuit tin, then flushed down a toilet, and while you beg for help your captors dump entrails and blood on you? Horrific. Also sounds like the government of the small town I grew up in.
face.less_b 4 days ago
Lucky they didn’t use rabbit. THAT would have been trouble.
imagenesis 4 days ago
Spoiler alert! 29 more strips to go or a month before the end of the series! I hope there is a continuation in the near future where the same kids are involved.
scyphi26 3 days ago
Typical politicians, never thinking these things through.
Aladar30 Premium Member 3 days ago
I’m speechless for the level of idiocy displayed by all the members of the chamber of commerce. Poor demonic creature, what horrible treatment!
6turtle9 3 days ago
Ah, ok, some threads coming together here. There must be a shortage of goat in Tackleford. The price of goat tacos and chevre must have sky rocketed.
Who knew an imp, a moon calf and a sprite were the same thing?
Oh my stars! What if that biscuit tin had accidentally been used in a white elephant gift exchange? Things could have turned out very differently; possibly much better.
brigidkeely 3 days ago
Can you imagine being snatched from your home, shoved in a biscuit tin, then flushed down a toilet, and while you beg for help your captors dump entrails and blood on you? Horrific. Also sounds like the government of the small town I grew up in.
John Campbell 3 days ago
I really want to know how the experimental process went that determined that flushing goat entrails down the toilet was the way to go.
GaryCooper 2 days ago
Ew. If you find a biscuit tin, don’t open it.
GaryCooper 2 days ago
It didn’t occur to them to flush the imp down a toilet in Wendlefield?