By the use of “Their Friend” I gather it’s uncertain whether Schroedinger’s Cat is male or female. So long as we don’t check, are we to understand they are both simultaneously?
(I’m aware that this comment reflects an outdated Cis-centric view of binary gender. I’m old.)
Packratjohn Premium Member over 4 years ago
Simultaneously? More like one or the other. We’ll never know.
Gent over 4 years ago
Well, that’s not how it works, cat. And the quantum principles don’t apply to macroscopic creatures like you anyway.
dadoctah over 4 years ago
Not as much as I hate being interrupted when I’m eating pizza.
Indianapolis Smith over 4 years ago
Napping on a warm pizza!
dougsathome over 4 years ago
To observe is to disturb.
willie_mctell over 4 years ago
My wife’s lifelong dream is a hot fudge sundae in her sleep.
comixbomix over 4 years ago
We may never know if it was a Catteroni Pizza.
fritzoid Premium Member over 4 years ago
By the use of “Their Friend” I gather it’s uncertain whether Schroedinger’s Cat is male or female. So long as we don’t check, are we to understand they are both simultaneously?
(I’m aware that this comment reflects an outdated Cis-centric view of binary gender. I’m old.)
Dr. Quatermass over 4 years ago
Shrödinger’s Catatonia: a narcoleptic condition (e.g. a nap) brought about by Odie-ing on an entire pan of lasagna.
bigplayray over 4 years ago
I love the randomness of this strip!