Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for May 23, 2020

  1. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  almost 5 years ago
    … and then there were two. ✨
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    Black76Manta  almost 5 years ago

    And the trouble starts, big time!

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    Rod Gonzalez  almost 5 years ago

    Ooh, gosh! As Blowtop would say.

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  4. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  almost 5 years ago

    Good morning™, deja vu-ers!

    Not at all what Shaky’s nephew Shaky was expecting!

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    AngeloVentura  almost 5 years ago

    “Thank God it all happened while I was at school. Icould never have called Shaky ‘daddy’ " Breathless talking of her mom’s marriage to Shaky

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  6. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  almost 5 years ago

    Good morning™, boobs… errr, I mean..

    Hard to keep my mind on this case with so many distractions. I wonder if she’s going to let him labor under that delusion ?

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  7. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  almost 5 years ago

    The Shaky meets the Shapley! What’s next?

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  8. Snake on a hat 2003
    BigDaveGlass  almost 5 years ago

    That shook him…

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    therese_callahan2002  almost 5 years ago

    Reminds me of when I was mistaken for, get this, an ex-teacher, three schoolmates, the Go-Go’s drummer, and Charlene Tilton.

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  10. Sc3070 jeffrey
    Mark Jeffrey Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Nice figure, shame about the face.

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    Knightman Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    ZZZZZZZZ as the cartoon turns!!!

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  12. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Good thing the elevator is clearly marked. I’d hate to get on the horizontal elevator when I was looking for the vertical elevator.

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  13. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  almost 5 years ago

    He can’t take his eyes off of…well, you know.

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  14. Unnamed
    Another Take  almost 5 years ago

    1-DRIVER: You’ll find Ms Fortune in 2313. The door will be open because her frequent visitors have broken the hinges. Just walk in – she’s expecting you – or someone. Or anyone…

    2-FORTUNE: Good of you to come up to see me sometime.

    JAY BOGART: MAE WEST! I’ve never seen you in color before.

    FORTUNE: I’m NOT her but I was looking forward to using the “is that a gun in your pocket or are you just glad to see me” line. However, it appears that jail changes a man.

    JAY: Yeah, well, you know, they…they put that saltpeter in all the food and show us those Army VD movies a lot and they tear out the good pictures in the National Geographics before they give them…

    FORTUNE: NEVER MIND!!! Just send the Bellhop up on your way out! I know he’ll “be glad to see me!”

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  15. Jeep head 02
    Ray Toler  almost 5 years ago

    Fortuna’s looking good.

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    Cheapskate0  almost 5 years ago

    Any idea when Strawberry Hellcat will be back? By gar, by gar!

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    Ray Toler  almost 5 years ago

    A few days back when Broadway Bates was trying to get parole, we were discussing how The Penguin was preceded by Bates by over a decade. Bob Kane’s plagiarism was well-known. I came across this video on YouTube that discusses how Kane basically stole everything about Batman:

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  18. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 5 years ago

    Shaky is alll shook up at the vision of “Breathless Mahoney”!

    At least we know Fortuna is a convincing lookalike. Unfortunately, we still know very little else….

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