La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for March 25, 2011
Bug Blog by Cuco Rocha NPR Tees Off Teas Conservative video pimp James O'Keefe caught a National Public Radio executive on tape calling the Tea Party "racist." The executive was forced to resign because he also said the world was round and Charlie Sheen "might have addiction issues."
cdward almost 14 years ago
Most Tea Partiers I know would never call themselves racist - they just don’t like people with dark skin. And they hate the idea that Hispanics are a faster growing group than Anglos.
lewisbower almost 14 years ago
Gee, I may be foolish enough to believe what’s espoused, but I thought the Tea Party believed in a smaller Federal government (as stated in a dusty document 200 years ago) and less Federal taxes. If you equate that to racism, you may have some race issues yourself. I guess you believe that Federal programs only help the non-whites. Do liberals fly the Stars and Bars on their front lawns? Do liberal believe only whites are taxed? Sound like old Democrat Party to me.
WalrusWalter Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Great, now your childish ideology even pollutes the comments for a cartoon! Go Tea Party!!! That’s what I call progress.
Prof_Bleen almost 14 years ago
Lew, your ignorance is astonishing. The Constitution expanded the powers of the federal government, relative to the Articles of Confederation.
But I agree that the Tea Party isn’t racist by design—it just attracted a lot of racists after the right wing turned it into an anti-Obama-no-matter-what-he-does party.
pschearer Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Prof_Bleen, your ignorance is typical. The standard for judging the Constitution is not the Articles but the idea of a government dedicated to protecting rights as stated in the Declaration. The issue is not bigger or smaller but the right size to protect rights and NOTHING ELSE.
As for the Tea Parties, I know several people involved in them, and as defenders of individual rights, they are every one a staunch opponent of racism. In a mass rally, could there be some racists? Maybe. But I have also heard of people carrying racially offensive signs being told to leave. The Tea Parties are concerned with limited government, reduced taxation, a freer economy. Nothing racist in any of that.
As for Obama, there are so many valid reasons to oppose him and everything he stands for that there is no excuse to stoop to racism, no matter what the Leftists claim to see in the Tea Parties.
Dirty Dragon almost 14 years ago
If you believe what the tea party says it stands for, that sounds pretty foolish now that they’ve had seats in Congress for a few months.
They say they are for balanced budgets, yet I’ve seen no outrage, no protests, no chaotic meetings with Congresspersons. While the people they elected work on abortion funding, NPR funding and union rights - while refusing to make serious suggestions to bring the budget to balance. (Not to mention they haven’t done a blessed thing about ‘jobs, jobs, jobs’.)
To be sure, there’s a noticeable segment of the Tea Party that is fueled by racial resentment, but I wouldn’t call the movement racist. They use racism as a tool, but the Koch brothers are all about Tax Cuts for millionaires and De-regulation of business. So when you get down to it, the Tea Party movement is nothing more than a shiny new package of the same old G.O.P. policies that have kept the American middle class stagnant for the last 30 years.
Like when they slap a big, bright NEW! sticker on the same box of laundry detergent you’ve been buying your whole life.
junco49 almost 14 years ago
And NEVER the twain shall meet.
Habogee almost 14 years ago
Seems like “facts” and ” the truth” depend on which radio/tv commentators you prefer. The constants are modified by the variables.
drtom01 almost 14 years ago
So far the Tea Party has been total stooges for the Republicans. The Republicans ran on Jobs, Deficit Reduction, Immigration Reform and Tax Cut. The tax cuts were accomplished by the Democrats during the lame duck session of Congress. So far the Republicans have done nothing. No Jobs, Deficit Reduction, Immigration Reform legislation has been passed.Instead all of the legislation has been social issues.
Spyderred almost 14 years ago
The social policies that were shown during the Bush years to enrich the already bloated wealthy, to destroy jobs and entire industries, and to crush the poor, children, and the ill - any group that didn’t have enough money to show that they deserved God’s blessing - those are the policies adopted by the GOP in general and the tea partiers in particular. And discussion or compromise is unthinkable because these people believe they are under siege by others who don’t look like them.
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 14 years ago
you are correct Junco: “and never the twain shall meet”……….you know why?
‘cause they’re on different twacks
ChukLitl Premium Member almost 14 years ago
The Tea Party doesn’t have to be racist, if they remember that freedom of speech includes the right to se habla. If there’d been an English only Ammendment, the Germans of Pennsylvania & the French of Louisiana would never have joined. But then, there have been Mexicans from where I’m from for longer than there’ve been Anglos, & it’s been a state for over a hundred years. Get used to it, they’re one in six of us, now.
pschearer Premium Member almost 14 years ago
I hope nothing I said earlier is taken to justify the GOP which has been almost (not quite, but almost) as guilty as the Democrats of pushing for the growth of bloated, bureaucratic, intrusive, welfare-state socialism, but with a hypocritical posture of reluctance and an easily-scratched veneer of concern for freedom.
The Tea Party candidates in Congress today are a mixed crowd, and I certainly don’t approve of them all or of everything they say. I am especially opposed to the Religious Right that holds that it is government’s duty to impose selected moral views on the public.
But I still see the Tea Party as the only force today with even half a chance of reversing over a century of erosion of American freedom. If someone complains that they haven’t fixed everything yet, that is not the Tea Party’s fault; give them a chance.
But most attacks I see on the Tea Party are for their virtues, not their faults, coming from people who believe it is the government’s job to solve all problems and “why talk about such abstractions as freedom when there are people without (fill-in-the-blank)”.
As I’ve said before on this site, the only moral purpose of government is to defend individual rights as stated in the Declaration. Anything else makes the government a violator of rights. The Tea Party can’t cure everything, let alone at once, but they are a start.
aprilglaspie almost 14 years ago
There would absolutely be no Teabag Party if the current president was some whitebread milquetoast moron like the last. So does that make teabagging racist. I’m sure most Americans believe so, including the Teabaggers. Dumb as a bag of tubesocks and voting for the Party of Dick Armey against their own economic and social interests.
aprilglaspie almost 14 years ago
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Man I just love it when Liberals are forced to the same standards as they impose upon others. With media the way it is now no one gets away with their little prejudices. One punishment that I feel is, Oh well, is Gilbert Godfrey’s loss of his Aflac job. Personally I thought his tweets were sick but very funny. People have to get over themselves and the worry that OMG you hurt someones feelings!