I always hated the show ‘Lassie’. It made me feel stupid, because I never understood what the dog was saying, but Timmy did. Also, my name was Timmy at the time and I constantly had to hear Lassie jokes because of it.
This is why wells are so much narrower of lte, to save Timmy from falling in so much, so often. Might should have gotten him out first this time, though.
Learned to dislike ‘Lassie’, many of the episodes made me cry and then family would ask why I was crying at a T.V. show. So finally I refused to watch it anymore. That show taught me not to bother with things, shows, people, that/who yanked my emotions around.
Let me just get on my cellphone here (panel 2) to the Construction Rentals Company, and then we’ll solve that Falling-Down-the-Well problem (panel 3), Lassie.
Little Timmy? Well, some Darwin Award winners need to be cemented in place….
fullmoondeb Premium Member over 4 years ago
That is one mean little monster.
Gent over 4 years ago
Good job, monster. Now nobody will see weird videos and get crank calls.
TStyle78 over 4 years ago
I always hated the show ‘Lassie’. It made me feel stupid, because I never understood what the dog was saying, but Timmy did. Also, my name was Timmy at the time and I constantly had to hear Lassie jokes because of it.
Troglodyte over 4 years ago
And that’s how the friendship was cemented!
pcolli over 4 years ago
Reminds me of a Simpsons episode.
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
Huckleberry Hiroshima over 4 years ago
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 4 years ago
This is why wells are so much narrower of lte, to save Timmy from falling in so much, so often. Might should have gotten him out first this time, though.
Alberta Oil over 4 years ago
Actually that could work.. if, junior manages to float on the surface.
posstockhoarder over 4 years ago
I’m surprised Leo would waste a tasty treat like that!
mr_sherman Premium Member over 4 years ago
The dog does NOT look happy.
Thehag over 4 years ago
Learned to dislike ‘Lassie’, many of the episodes made me cry and then family would ask why I was crying at a T.V. show. So finally I refused to watch it anymore. That show taught me not to bother with things, shows, people, that/who yanked my emotions around.
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
Let me just get on my cellphone here (panel 2) to the Construction Rentals Company, and then we’ll solve that Falling-Down-the-Well problem (panel 3), Lassie.
Little Timmy? Well, some Darwin Award winners need to be cemented in place….