Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for April 18, 2011

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 14 years ago

    Never fear, Lizz, Tracy and Sam are on their way!

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  2. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  almost 14 years ago

    This would imply that it’s Liz who’s activated her radio, as opposed to Fifth having done it accidentally. Otherwise, she’s have no reason to expect Tracy and Sam to even be aware of her plight.

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  3. Missing large
    Wiseking  almost 14 years ago

    I agree margueritem they are not far away. Although time is of the essence!

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  4. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  almost 14 years ago

    First we’re told that Thor’s Hammer weighs no more than an Uzi. Now we’re told that it’s heavy. This may be the first comic strip where “fan service” means inserting continuity errors.

    “Heavy” makes sense for this weapon. If it’s going to project enough power to zap an entire crowd, and keep it up to the point where a riot disperses, then it probably needs a lot of power. That implies heavy batteries. It’s good to see the concept of AM/FM at work (Actual Machinery versus Frickin’ Magic).

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  5. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 14 years ago

    From: JIM DOHERTY Date: 04/17/11 23:36:24 To: dicktracy@yahoogroups.com Subject: [DickTracy] Syd (or Anyone), Please Pass-Along to GoComics …


    Hearty and heartfelt ongratulations and best of luck on your new career. I hope you find the profession (or, as I like to think of it, the vocation) of law enforcement as satisfying as I have.

    I did get your reference to DAN DUNN, by the way, though, strictly speaking, his official designation wasn’t “Detective,” but “Special Agent,” as he was a federal investigator, entitled to be referred to as “SECRET OPERATIVE 48.”


    I know this is really a waste of time, since your mind is obviously closed on the subject, but, just to get it on the record, if what you say were really true of 99% of us, incidents like Abner Louima wouldn’t make the news, because they’d be so frequent they wouldn’t BE news. It’s precisely because such incidents are beyond the pale that they grab headlines.

    Are there cops who abuse their authority? You bet! Nothing really we can do about that as long as our hiring pool is the human race instead of the pantheon of angels, archangels, cherubim, seraphim, thrones, dominions, virtues, and powers. And even they don’t have an absolutely unsoiled record (anyone remember Lucifer?).

    But think about what cops are allowed to do. It’s legal for them to do things that are illegal for just about anyone else. Under certain circumstances they can seize property. Hell, they can seize PEOPLE, and hold them against their will. In states where ordinary people can only use deadly force to protect themselves if their back is “against the wall,” cops can not only stand pat, but can even pursue their attackers. And they’re always equipped with a deadly weapon to deliver that deadly force, which they are authorized to carry on duty or off. Along with a host of less than lethal weapons. That’s a level of immediate power, individual discretion, and individual autonomy that’s not enjoyed by any other government official in this democracy of ours.

    The wonder of it isn’t that some cops, given that much power, abuse it. The wonder is that so few do.

    Cops, like soldiers (particularly professional soldiers), like firefighters, like others who go in harm’s way to protect their brother and sister citizens, are creatures of duty, and they take their duty seriously.

    Finally, given your attitude (which I’m reasonably sure my few poor words hasn’t changed), I can’t help wondering why you even bother to follow a comic strip that shows, and has always shown, law enforcement in a positive light.


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  6. Gedc0042
    johnrussco  almost 14 years ago

    More of the same:(

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  7. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  almost 14 years ago

    Okay, so Ed marked one of the boxes so he could find the stolen weapon. And it was a marking that Smith Industries wouldn’t normally use, but still told him what was in the box.

    So what about that box in panel #3? Could it be–Holy cow, Curtis & Staton are being held hostage in an old warehouse! It’s a good thing Dick Tracy is on the case! (And Lizz, too.)

    And another great poem last night from Wonder Warthog!

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  8. Frankblack
    Constantine500  almost 14 years ago

    Little disappointing to see Lizz kidnapped AGAIN…esp. w/ her recent return to the field. If memory serves…& this is strictly Collins-era– she’s been held hostage by Angeltop (twice), Haf-and-Haf & Art Dekko. Great she activated the 2-way, though.

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  9. Image
    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    JIM DOHERTY, Thank you its definitely what I’ve wanted to do my whole life. I did actually know that about Dan Dunn, I always found it odd his 1st appearance was titled Detective Dan, Secret Operative No. 48. I don’t think Mr. Marsh was as keen on law enforcement as Mr. Gould.

    BRAVO, Wonder Warthog! BRAVO!

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  10. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 14 years ago

    Good morning all…

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  11. Image
    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    Good Morning, VB! I always wanted to say that.

    So, Mike ,X MEN logo marks the spot?

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  12. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  almost 14 years ago

    Sitting there on her little box Lizz is looking like a total fox She sent the signal for her rescue So Tracy and Sam now do pursue The vile cretins who are committing crime Wasting all their valuable doughnut time It’s a strap on tool that does the job Like slowing cars or stopping a mob Soon to be caught in its foul beam Are members of the Major Crime Squad team Tracy and Sam will storm through the door Only to be cruelly knocked to the floor Jerking and twitching, they writhe on the ground Laid low by a weapon emitting just sound The Fifth was a fool to give up his immunity He throws it away with such casual impunity Even though T&S are stopped in their tracks Junior is there to keep watch on their backs With a story line that has us biting our nails The Dick Tracy Strip is back on the rails.

    Thank you, John Russco, BillT and Det. DD

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  13. Mike curtis avatar
    MikeCurtis Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Mike here, I do apologize for Ed saying it was light one time, and heavy the other. My fault entirely. Now that I am doing this regularly I will try to be more precise.

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  14. Mike curtis avatar
    MikeCurtis Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    I’ve known some bad cops and such. But it’s like any other job. The bad apple gets the publicity. For every priest that goes off the right path, there are Father Flannagans and William Spences to inspire others with their dedication to service.; Still, what makes the news?

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  15. Image
    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    It is unfortunate that tragedy sells more papers.

    Mike THANK YOU, again for caring what we fans think. How about, just for argument sake, we look at it like this? Ed was acting like an “seedy used car salesman”, just telling the 5th what he wanted to hear. Then, as luck would have it, Lizz’s misfortunate side tracked the 5th in turn saving Ed from the 5th catching his “bait and switch”.

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  16. Missing large
    dakota_jones  almost 14 years ago

    I think he’s gonna use it on Lizz first!

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  17. Th
    marvee  almost 14 years ago

    Lizz is in a bad situation, but I’m betting she’ll come up with something to help, not just play the “damsel in distress”.

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  18. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  almost 14 years ago

    marvee, I think Lizz would like to deal with the Fifth. She’s just waiting for a window of opportunity.

    Mike Curtis, thank you for listening to everyone here. Det.DanDone has a good explanation for the minor error.

    The news about good cops and other public servants usually makes the local news, but there’s so much of it that it would flood the national news. The bad PR when things go wrong is, well, bad, but it helps motivate reforms. And it’s up to us citizens to bear some responsibility for that.

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  19. Missing large
    ReneTray  almost 14 years ago

    Nice poem. Wndrwrthg

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  20. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  almost 14 years ago

    LIZ(Z)……. quick like a bunny! Use your “talent” to get their minds off’n the weapon! I know if I were unpacking something, I’d get distracted easily if a cute fox decided to put on a train-stopping show! All she needs is a piece of pipe to use for a pole. Or, even a broom! Whistle a little music and she could hold ‘em for hours!

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  21. Bakuman kato
    Tarry Plaguer  almost 14 years ago

    BillThompson said, about 14 hours ago

    First we’re told that Thor’s Hammer weighs no more than an Uzi. Now we’re told that it’s heavy. This may be the first comic strip where “fan service” means inserting continuity errors.

    “Heavy” makes sense for this weapon. If it’s going to project enough power to zap an entire crowd, and keep it up to the point where a riot disperses, then it probably needs a lot of power. That implies heavy batteries. It’s good to see the concept of AM/FM at work (Actual Machinery versus Frickin’ Magic). ————————————————————————————

    Chikuku said, about 13 hours ago

    Bill, you are right. Continuity contradiction! But you offer a solution: The weapon itself is light, but the batteries are heavy. ————————————————————————————

    MikeCurtis said, about 7 hours ago

    Mike here, I do apologize for Ed saying it was light one time, and heavy the other. My fault entirely. Now that I am doing this regularly I will try to be more precise. ————————————————————————————

    OK, now I feel bad. I “corrected” Bill about the weight vs size thing, just to have it bite me today. I will go with the batteries theory as well, and up the ante with the entire protective front chest covering. It is designed to keep the user from being shocked by the device so maybe it is made of something rather heavy. Some rubber or ceramic plate that ads the extra weight. Ed may have been telling the truth about Thor’s Hammer being as light as an Uzi, it is the protective gear and power system that weigh a lot. Never lie to the customer, just mislead them a little. First rule in selling used cars and computers. (grin)

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  22. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  almost 14 years ago

    No problem, Terry, I’ve made bigger mistakes.

    Your theory makes sense, and no one expects detailed explanations to appear in the strip, not when it’s limited to three panels per day.

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  23. Image
    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    Apersonofinterest, nice catch on Lizz’s 2 way being in her robe pocket. When she was in the hallway of the salon on 4/12, she has her robe on and is carrying a bag. Her clothes are probably in the bag making it a possibilty her 2way is in her pocket. I know 5th said, “I got you this robe”, but I can’t see him walking around looking for one. Her’s would be right there. I also realize that the robe’s color doesn’t match, but that’s a gocomics continuity error, not the strip. http://www.gocomics.com/dicktracy/2011/04/12

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  24. My boys
    woodworker318  almost 14 years ago

    WW: Sorry I’m late with this but you did a great job on both of the poems, yesterday and today. Keep up the good work.

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  25. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 14 years ago

    Dan, Maybe we need a name change here ?

    How about ADetectiveOfinterest - Pretty smart handle there (?)

    Seems it’s deserved !

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  26. Image
    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    LOL! Thanks Syd.

    APersonOfInterest, I believe you are right.

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  27. Mike curtis avatar
    MikeCurtis Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Mike Curtis - Read that your scripts are already finished up to the end of September … just wondering … have you written any black policemen into the mix?

    We’re bringing back Lee Ebony down the road to the MCS.

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  28. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  almost 14 years ago

    Lizz might act on her own, she’s not bound.

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  29. Missing large
    prrdh  almost 14 years ago

    ‘Cover’? Was Fifth raised on a ranch?

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