This… this is when I don’t mind growing up white trash. We neither had use for all these weird sub-species of silverwear, nor did we use them, save by accident. Forks were forks, big spoons were for daddies, and little spoons were for kids. I can’t keep track of human relationships, how am I going to know if the salad knife goes with the soup spoon on Wednesday or Thursday?
momofalex7 over 4 years ago
What’s going to happen when the spoon shows up?
SHIVA over 4 years ago
Or worse yet, a spork!!!!
gopher gofer over 4 years ago
they may seem incompatible, but in their own ways they’re both real cutups…
paul over 4 years ago
You mean “in another tine”. Are they spooning?
PO' DAWG over 4 years ago
The tea spoon is fat shaming the soup spoon.
kathleenhicks62 over 4 years ago
Unless there’s a steak involved.
the humorist formerly known as Hotshot1984 Premium Member over 4 years ago
aw look, they are NOT spooning
Cerabooge over 4 years ago
Cussing in The Good Place.
WCraft over 4 years ago
If they can get along , so can the rest of us.
Ratkin Premium Member over 4 years ago
Steak and salad go great together. What’s the problem?
tiomax over 4 years ago
Just wait until the dinner fork shows up. Somebody’s gonna get forked!
Alberta Oil over 4 years ago
It could work, just not in the higher levels of society.
geese28 over 4 years ago
Ah the soap opera “All My Utensils.” is on…
Lablubber over 4 years ago
Things really got kinky when the chopsticks showed up.
Mentor397 over 4 years ago
This… this is when I don’t mind growing up white trash. We neither had use for all these weird sub-species of silverwear, nor did we use them, save by accident. Forks were forks, big spoons were for daddies, and little spoons were for kids. I can’t keep track of human relationships, how am I going to know if the salad knife goes with the soup spoon on Wednesday or Thursday?
Concretionist over 4 years ago
That plate was drawn so it looks upside down to me. (Downside up?)