Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for April 26, 2011

  1. Fearless 2
    thejensens  almost 14 years ago

    Hey, I wanted to see B. O. and the excitment at the hospital.

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  2. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 14 years ago

    I think weā€™ll be back to B. O. shortly.

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    Wiseking  almost 14 years ago

    Good morning every one. That was a faced paced story. A huge change indeed from the past few years. I wanted to know what happened in the hospital ward too.

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  4. Jonah hex graphic
    jonahhex1  almost 14 years ago

    I like the little verbal jab Tracy lands as heā€™s heading out the door

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  5. Major matt mason315
    Major Matt Mason Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Definite Parthian shot there, Jonah. ;D

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  6. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  almost 14 years ago

    Itā€™s a good jab, JonahHex, and it implies there wonā€™t be a Federal investigation of anything that happened. Right now the Fifthā€™s talk about having worked as an anti-terrorism expert could be dismissed as a scam, but any investigation would make things awkward for whoever approved the deal. Diet Smithā€™s deception should remain safe.

    Of course Thorā€™s Hammer could end up as a black-budget Pentagon item, so Diet Smith really ought to do his own research into countermeasures.

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  7. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Cometā„¢  almost 14 years ago

    Good morning allā€¦

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    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    A quick wrap-up then on to the next.

    I like the Jab, also. But, I like Jimā€™s comment better just because it takes care of all OUR ā€œwhat ifsā€ & questions about any ā€œholesā€ in the story .

    Nicely Done, Mike. Nicely Done Indeed.


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  9. Image
    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    Sam Catchem walks past a mental hospital and hears a moaning voice ā€œā€¦ 13 ā€¦ 13 ā€¦ 13 ā€¦ā€

    Sam looked over to the hospital and saw a hole in the wall, he looked through the hole and gets poked in the eye. The moaning voice then groaned ā€œā€¦ 14 ā€¦ 14 ā€¦ 14ā€¦ā€ BA DUM BUMP TSSHHā€¦

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  10. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  almost 14 years ago

    A story with holes in it? He must have been reviewing Locherā€™s body of work.

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    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    ā€¦A hole has appeared in the ladies changing room at Jamaica Me Tan! Ace detective, Dick Tracy, is looking into it!ā€¦.BA DUM BUMP TSSSSHHHH!!!ā€¦

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  12. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  almost 14 years ago

    Flight Suit, some things went unexplained, such as how the Fifth got Lizz out of the tanning salon and how the gang broke into the warehouse unnoticed. The ā€œAmerica for Americansā€ rally promised a development that we never saw. Explanations could have been worked into the story (the Fifth used his bulk to keep Lizz from being seen as they left; Garcia could have flummoxed an electronic security system; Lizz could have Done Something with her two-way radio; the Fifth and Flyface might have used their rally as a front for a criminal operation).

    Think of this arc as the equivalent of a demo version of new software: it gives you a feel for what can be done, even if it isnā€™t the full package. The demo gave us Sam working an informant, Dick in action, and a core group of characters you can like. Plus the cool art.

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    JCFremont  almost 14 years ago

    The end of our first story. Yay! (Insert standing ovation here.)

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    peteatkinson  almost 14 years ago

    Iā€™m wondering if we might be getting into a new era where the story will not just be one quick thing, but the themes from one story (such as their ā€˜Americanā€ rally) will carry over and through to the next story.

    Weā€™ll see.

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  15. Missing large
    bbeyes  almost 14 years ago

    just a tad too fast for me. and too many old tracy nemasis for me. but really well drawn and certainly on the right track. slow down justva tad. canā€™t wait to see you very own grotesque character. hey what happened to the pouch?

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  16. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  almost 14 years ago

    @John Russco:

    Yeah, thatā€™s it. Youā€™ve accurately diagnosed my psychology and figured out my life, based on the glee that I feel when snarking on Locher.

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  17. Missing large
    dakota_jones  almost 14 years ago

    There are holes in the story, but very small holes! Now Please bring back the Plentys and lets see if Sparkle is in fact married to Junior!

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  18. Rick
    davidf42  almost 14 years ago

    Well, I thought it was a great story and am looking forward to the next.

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  19. Image
    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    You know what doesnā€™t have holes? The first Amendment. BTW NOT A JOKE.

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  20. Mike curtis avatar
    MikeCurtis Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Yes, this was our audition story. We promise neater tieups and stories ending on Saturday or Sunday henceforth.,

    Windy night in Arkansas but we are okay.

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  21. Image
    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    MikeCurtis, Loved it! Glad to know you guys are OK.

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  22. K schrag
    Karl Hiller  almost 14 years ago

    Would this be the Internet version of the First Amendment, Dan? The one that reads ā€œIf anyone suggests that what I am saying is off-topic or inappropriate, they are violating my rights, even if they are not forcing me to shut upā€?

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  23. Nobozos3
    Froxkrybra  almost 14 years ago

    Seems like nobody is happy with Locherā€™s work or the new guys. My suggestions 2 the critics who bleeep please present your art work and story line suggestions. Or websites are even good with your art work on there. God, this reminds me of elementary schoolā€¦ There I feel better, letā€™s hope this first story was a hiccup and just be happy Dick Tracy is still available 4 us 2 readā€¦

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    prrdh  almost 14 years ago

    Thatā€™s what happens when you use the beta test version. As a boss of mine used to say, ā€œYou can always tell the pioneers by the arrows in their backs.ā€

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  25. Silverknights
    JanLC  almost 14 years ago

    Dan, the first amendment is important, but it is certainly not the only consideration here. While we have the right to pretty much say whatever we want whenever we want, does that mean we HAVE to? Would you start swearing in front of a bunch of kindergartners? Would you eulogize the ā€œguest of honorā€ at a funeral by pointing out only his bad points?

    This forum was meant for comments on the comic. While we have all done more than that at times, a simple request from APOI to ā€œstay on topicā€ does not mean heā€™s violating our first amendment rights.

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  26. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  almost 14 years ago

    tcayer, it looked to me like Thorā€™s Hammer exploded when Dick put a bullet in it. This suggests that TH is not a good crowd-control weapon if itā€™s that vulnerable to damage. Certainly itā€™s dangerous to the operator, and if you were a cop on riot control duty youā€™d want two major improvements. Youā€™d want better armor on the weapon, and youā€™d want some other cop to use itā€“and probably at some other riot.

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  27. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  almost 14 years ago

    krenigh, the First Amendment does have limits, as you imply. Uclick is not obligated to post any and all material; its TOS allows it to remove various objectionable posts, and the TOS absolves it of responsibility for consequences.

    For example, last year a troll posted obscene and defamatory comments under a screen name that was one character removed from my name; Sydney Phillips was subjected to a similar indignity. Uclick removed the posts.

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  28. Missing large
    Redforce  almost 14 years ago

    Well, Mike, you and Joe and the gang have me hooked, and I was only vaguely aware of Dick Tracy beforehand, so I would say thatā€™s a success.

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  29. Avatar1
    wwcameralab  almost 14 years ago

    Nothing like a Dick Tracy story to get people all riled up!

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  30. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  almost 14 years ago

    Froxkrybra, I know that I will be labeled by the Reverend Rossco as having an unhappy childhood and being a mentally unstable infidel, but be glad Jim Traylor didnā€™t hear the story six months ago! Mea Culpa!

    Good going Mike & Joe! From Macyā€™s last comment, it looks like he graduated from Magpie University with the rest of us! Knowing Macy reads our comments makes me feel special! Even DT knows how to snark!


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  31. Drmid nite head
    Dr. Midnight  almost 14 years ago

    Looks like Tracy is taking the fifth on the death of The Fifth!

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    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    JanCinVV, allow me to retort. My comment was actually in defense of Flightsuit, and had nothing to do with APOIā€™s comment. To be quite honest, I didnā€™t even read it to now. I havenā€™t been a member that long, however, I been reading DT here for quite sometime. The Locher jokes have been part of the site for YEARS. If flightsuit still wants to throw some out he should be aloud. Personally, I agree with with what APOI said. Appropriately he put it ā€œIn my opinonā€ because I feel he is entitled to his opinion, as are others, as am I. Hope that clears it up.

    krenligh I thought the internet 1st amendment was, Donā€™t disagree or offend or you shall be flagged?

    Froxkrybra kintergarten had nap time and recess.

    Canā€™t we all just get along?

    the opinions in this comment are solely those of Det.DanDone. GoComics, Dick Tracy, and anyone named Bob are not responsible for its content. Have a nice day.

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  33. Mike curtis avatar
    MikeCurtis Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Well, Junior is vital in the next story and he is married to Sparkle, but she doesnā€™t show up for a while. Honeymoon will be appearing in June though.

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  34. I go pogo
    I Go Pogo   almost 14 years ago

    What a great jump start to the rebirth of Tracy! Thanks to Mike, Joe & crew!

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  35. P6290172a
    436rge  almost 14 years ago

    Gertie and BO expecting? Not unusual. Didnā€™t Abraham and Sarah begat Esau at 90? Anyhow I really think the new team has age regressed everyone. Starting over with a refreshed DT is fine with me. Bravo.

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    bartmon  almost 14 years ago

    Great intro story for the new Tracyverse. What a great strip to read everyday!

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    Inkpaducah  almost 14 years ago

    Staton and Curtis are certainly not dragging things out like Locher, but they have the strip on fast forward, and some things which belong in the story are missing. I feel like they skipped some scenes. After all the big buildup, we were entitled to see the expression on the bad guysā€™ faces as the gadget overloaded, then blew up. Then we should have seen the aftermath with Tracy looking down at their corpses, and making some wry remark. Maybe the Sunday summary will fill in the blanks.

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  38. Image
    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    APersonOfInterest, I do apoligize if I offended you. My comment had nothing to do with yours. Lesson learned ā€œLook before you postā€.

    Rightwingmoron, Well Put!

    And to think, I was just gonna post some oneliners todayā€¦.

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  39. Calvin
    Weiland  almost 14 years ago

    (Flight Suit said,

    A story with holes in it? He must have been reviewing Locherā€™s body of work.)

    Get over it. Christ!

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  40. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  almost 14 years ago

    MIKE & JOE ā€“ Todayā€™s strip is a great tag for the story, neatly tieing everything up.

    I am wondering who it was the Fifth wanted to impress, and if, somewhere down the line, weā€™ll meet them.

    And FLIGHT SUIT ā€“ About your Locher rants - Give it up. Please. Or complain somewhere else. Itā€™s over.

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    waldo240  almost 14 years ago

    Iā€™m relieved to learn that Moon Maid will not be making a reappearance. Maybe sheā€™ll show up on Alley Oop.

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  42. 1937
    billdi Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    i wonder if lizz is still dancing around with nothing on but tracyā€™s trench coat. mmmmmmm

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  43. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  almost 14 years ago

    All the pretty magpies were sitting in a tree Carping and sniping with an unrestrained glee Someone made a comment, it offended more than one This one pulled a knife, the other one a gun Oh such a row it caused, acrimony then ensued While some comments were pithy, others were downright rude One thing led to another, the constitution was invoked Instead of a calming influence, the fires were further stoked Comments on the story were quickly being pushed aside As the situation devolved and words were said in snide Funny thing about printed words, you read them only if you choose Ignore them if you want, you certainly have nothing there to lose The words, they volleyed and thundered, tempers were getting hot Such sound and fury, for what is just a tempest in a pot So silly little maggot-pies, sit back and drop the ā€˜tude So many ruffled feathers that are needing to be smoothed.

    Great job, Mike and Joe.

    Thanks, Det.DanDone, Chikuku and John R.

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    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    wndrwrthg, I couldnā€™t of said it any better myself, OBVIOUSLY!

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    Det.DanDone  almost 14 years ago

    Thank You, APOI

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  46. My boys
    woodworker318  almost 14 years ago

    WW: All your poems hit the spot. Glad someone still has his head on straight.

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  47. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  almost 14 years ago

    WonderWarthog you continue to dazzle, and I hope yours are the last words on the subject.

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  48. Rick
    davidf42  almost 14 years ago

    WW - Thatā€™s your best one yet.

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  49. Tracy
    coratelli  almost 14 years ago

    Guys, Iā€™m very happy for this first storyline of the new Dick Tracy. Fast, compact, very well written and beautifully drawn. it was great. Thanks to Joe and Mike from italy!

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  50. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  almost 14 years ago

    I think Tracy in panel 3 looks a bit like Clark Kent.

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  51. Maxine
    Maxine_Viller  almost 14 years ago

    Rightwingmoron, I second that motion. Binnie also had a criminal aunt who was never brought to justice, and Iā€™ve always wondered what became of herā€¦

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  52. Th
    marvee  almost 14 years ago

    Does the last panel mean tht Flyface and the Fifth were not realy working for the government? Todayā€™s strip seemed like too abrupt an ending.

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    mgreenhorn  almost 14 years ago

    Iā€™m very new to Dick Tracy; I started in on the Locher comics. I know the Fifth is an old character, but I kinda wish he had lived, because it seemed to me he was kind of Dick Tracyā€™s ā€œProfessor Moriarityā€ if you know what I mean. He has the hat, but it covers his eyes making him sinister, and his signature colors are blue, where Dickā€™s is yellow. I would like to see a character that is an Anti-Tracy. Tracy, if he were a bad guy. Something like that. But I really like the story, and the artwork. Especially the artwork. A very nice style. And I donā€™t mind the coloring either.

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    neonleon59  almost 14 years ago

    MikeCurtis: Saw your note that it was windy there in Arkansas overnight Monday but you were OK. Iā€™m almost your neighbor (Memphis) and itā€™s even worse around these parts tonight (Tuesday night into Wednesday morning). Everything still OK over your way?

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  55. Zap
    60sFan  almost 14 years ago

    Here are my thoughts as the first caper comes to an end:

    1) The artwork was excellent throughout! The dialog was very good, too.

    2) Enjoyed the gun play, Flyface getting fried, and the Fifth and Ed blowing up. Very Gouldian!

    3) The story had good pacing, though at times it seemed rushed. There were occasions when an extra panel here or there would have helped with the continuity. For example, a scene or two showing Lizz activating the wrist radio; one or two clarifying exactly what happened with Thorā€™s Hammer (i.e., perhaps showing one of Tracyā€™s bullets ripping into it just before it exploded). An extra day between yesterday and today might have been helpful, too (e.g., showing police arriving on scene, and Tracy saying he was going to see Jim). Thereā€™s nothing wrong with asking the fans on occasion to fill in the gaps and assume certain things happened, but a line can be crossed where the story telling becomes too sketchy.

    4) The continuity got a little mixed up there right at the end, with Tracy firing his gun on the last Saturday panel and saying there was no time for a verbal warning, then on Sunday he DOES warn the Fifth. Also up until Sunday, Sam and Tracy were clearly behind the door when Thorā€™s Hammer was fired the first time, then they opened it, and the Fifth and Ed were initially oblivious to their presence, apparently right up to the point where Tracy fired. Then on Sunday, all of that got mixed up, and the recap became more of a retelling.

    Donā€™t mean to gripe or be overly critical here, just trying to point out a few things that would have made a great story even better. Overall, Iā€™m loving the new Tracy. Great job, Mike and Joe!

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