they have the life we had in the 60’s 70’s maybe 80’s. no electronic devices to keep us inside. We had something called imagination. Do kids know what that is today?
Apparently, Brown County schools are particularly bad at teaching geography (or Trout is particularly bad at learning it), and the girls don’t venture much outside the trailer park – as the southern border of the county is the Ohio River!!!!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 4 years ago
Maybe it will rain.
rshive over 4 years ago
Well, there is the swimming pool …
dwane.scoty1 over 4 years ago
Rightyoh, Agnes! 2 of the best days in a boat owner’s life is buying then, eventually,selling the boat!
Pet over 4 years ago
I always feel like I wish I could adopt those two girls, give them a proper home.
Although this strip is funny and heartwarming, it sometimes makes me sad for them.
mamawcat over 4 years ago
they have the life we had in the 60’s 70’s maybe 80’s. no electronic devices to keep us inside. We had something called imagination. Do kids know what that is today?
Ed The Red Premium Member over 4 years ago
If there’s no water for hundreds of miles, then anything you want to call a boat is a boat. They’ll all float equally well.
Alberta Oil over 4 years ago
You see a boat.. I see a long hot tub.. just need a little fire and a garden hose..
Cozmik Cowboy over 4 years ago
Apparently, Brown County schools are particularly bad at teaching geography (or Trout is particularly bad at learning it), and the girls don’t venture much outside the trailer park – as the southern border of the county is the Ohio River!!!!
Northgalus2002 over 4 years ago
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
neatslob Premium Member over 4 years ago
You’re pretty close to the Ohio River, but I wouldn’t suggest trying to sail that thing in it.
heathcliff2 over 4 years ago
Doesn’t look like a desert.