I, too, thought it was the Garfield strip. Since I also follow Garfield, it didn’t even hit me until I started reading the comments! To add more confusion to my aging brain, Garfield follows Looks Good on Paper in my comic strip lineup. I thought I clicked on the wrong comic.
GiantShetlandPony over 4 years ago
Garfield jumped comic strips?
!!ǝlɐ⅁ over 4 years ago
Monday the 13th. Yow!
Egrayjames over 4 years ago
First thought: How did Garfield get in my GoComics line up? Second thought: Hope Dan’s got enough money for the lawsuits!:-)
Pickled Pete over 4 years ago
Thought I had clicked the wrong comic and hit the ‘back’ button.
Cameron1988 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Omg I almost thought this was the Garfield strip. I was wondering why the art looked so different
dlkrueger33 over 4 years ago
I, too, thought it was the Garfield strip. Since I also follow Garfield, it didn’t even hit me until I started reading the comments! To add more confusion to my aging brain, Garfield follows Looks Good on Paper in my comic strip lineup. I thought I clicked on the wrong comic.
Tigressy over 4 years ago
Excellent. - And a positive example.
Only a fool would sue you for this, Dan!
Perkycat over 4 years ago
Worth lawsuits for this one. I’m right there with you Garfield.
FROGPANTS21 over 4 years ago
Garfield’s gotten old
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member over 4 years ago
“What day is it?”—perhaps that explains the lack of a Sunday strip this week.
rgcviper over 4 years ago
Nice one. That mask looks a little small on Garfield, though …
waltermgm over 4 years ago
It’s Blursday.