Nope, after WW2 Americans have just bombed non-white people exclusively, so continuing to ignore the Drump Flu will be modus operandi. Oh, don’t expect billionaires to help much in this greatest crisis in living memory, they’re making more obscene wealth they could never spend and are delighted with the suffering and death they see. The true sadness of this is so many in this country think that is just dandy.
sevaar777 over 4 years ago
Nope, after WW2 Americans have just bombed non-white people exclusively, so continuing to ignore the Drump Flu will be modus operandi. Oh, don’t expect billionaires to help much in this greatest crisis in living memory, they’re making more obscene wealth they could never spend and are delighted with the suffering and death they see. The true sadness of this is so many in this country think that is just dandy.
John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator over 4 years ago
Here’s the link to the original vintage art and text.
Copy and paste or highlight the link and right click to go to the page. Thanks!
flashdrive1988 over 4 years ago
Manley and Vastly must be related to a certain Mayor in NY.
jonnytest over 4 years ago
My feelings exactly!
nosirrom over 4 years ago
Then they toasted their success with a glass of hand sanitizer.
mjb137 over 4 years ago
Not to worry. The virus will disappear on Nov 5th.
coltish1 over 4 years ago
Okay, consider my credulity duly stretched. There was really a story in a comic book in 1955 called “Fate is a Many-Armed Buddha”?
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
Ignoring this pandemic is what’s happening, while thousands die each day, and the only thing offered is “it is what it is!” What a MF
Nighthawks Premium Member over 4 years ago
well, if you’re going to do it the American way, then BOMB the living daylights out of the virus.
The USA has always been good at bombing the living daylights out of people and places
Calvins Brother over 4 years ago
Bug Bomb the Earth!
Packratjohn Premium Member over 4 years ago
Well, one or two or twenty two strategically placed tactical nukes should slow down this pesky virus. Not that i want to give trump any ideas…
comixbomix over 4 years ago
We’ve ‘blown it’ all right…thanks to which 159,588 Americans are exploring Kingdom Come, to date.
edwardhnelson over 4 years ago
Ignorant, derivative, shallow and reactionary. You usually can do better.
Thorby over 4 years ago
John, I think the Rich Bros WISH it could be that way, like certain others we know of… BUT, it AIN’T happening like that to their dismay.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 4 years ago
Admittedly, enough nukes would sterilize the planet of COVID-19 — and everything else.
craigwestlake over 4 years ago
“I say, if we MUST wear masks I’m making mine out of $100 bills. They’re easy to sanitize, the commoners can’t afford to handle them.”…
gopher gofer over 4 years ago
i just knew there had to be a simple solution…
Gent over 4 years ago
The virus was a bio weapon which was unleashed upon the world.
Ryan Plut over 4 years ago
First panel, guy on right: Regis Philbin.
spindru over 4 years ago
they will be part of nature thinning the herd
DaveQuinn over 4 years ago
Typical southern Americans. Solve every problem with a gun.