Oh my cat. Just what you need – the cat giving you decorating advice. Next he’ll want a Catio! I wish I owned a house; I’d have one built for my kitties.
When we were redoing our kitchen and bathroom floors, we were given about a half dozen 2 × 4 samples of flooring. We put them down on the existing floor, and one of our cats came over, looked at and felt each one, and plopped down and stretched herself luxuriously on one particular sample. We’d been dithering about that sample’s style versus another one, but she decided it for us.
Likewise, we did the same thing with the bathroom floor samples, and she also had an obvious favourite. So she picked our linoleum styles for us! We (and she) have been happy ever since with her choices.
Charliegirl Premium Member over 4 years ago
Oh my cat. Just what you need – the cat giving you decorating advice. Next he’ll want a Catio! I wish I owned a house; I’d have one built for my kitties.
John Francini over 4 years ago
When we were redoing our kitchen and bathroom floors, we were given about a half dozen 2 × 4 samples of flooring. We put them down on the existing floor, and one of our cats came over, looked at and felt each one, and plopped down and stretched herself luxuriously on one particular sample. We’d been dithering about that sample’s style versus another one, but she decided it for us.
Likewise, we did the same thing with the bathroom floor samples, and she also had an obvious favourite. So she picked our linoleum styles for us! We (and she) have been happy ever since with her choices.
diskus Premium Member over 4 years ago
Who can afford buying a home much less remodeling it?
over 4 years ago
The Mittens knows what’s best.
Ebenezer Stooge Premium Member over 4 years ago
Angie, make a counter proposal.
bookworm0812 over 4 years ago
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
Always buy fur-colored where possible. :)
I.M. GASSY about 4 years ago
alotta cats have premium