The Flying McCoys by Glenn McCoy and Gary McCoy for May 04, 2011

  1. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    As that all? I’ve waited longer than that for it to end and its still going with no end sight.

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  2. Doodles
    monkeyhead  almost 14 years ago

    You know for truck drivers there are only 2 seasons. Winter and construction!

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  3. Turnslower
    Larry Miller Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ^ All in a car waiting for the construction?

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  4. Smiley tongue
    Smiley Rmom  almost 14 years ago

    In Wichita, there is US highway 400 (Kellogg) running east & west through the heart of the city. It has been under continuous construction for 30 years. When they get one section finished, they just start on a different stretch of road. There was a sign put up once that said something like “The sun will burn out in _ billion years. Which means Kellogg will be finished in the dark.”

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  5. Gray wolf
    worldisacomic  almost 14 years ago

    California is is one big pothole! Waiting for it to become a sink hole!

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  6. 1391959 10202234176835149 2005289113 n
    thampacks  almost 14 years ago

    wow - only four months - I’m moving to THAT city ASAP

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  7. Cat7
    rockngolfer  almost 14 years ago

    I remember back in the 70s and 80s a road called Battlefield Boulevard in Chesapeake, Virginia was described as

    “The longest roadbuilding project since the Burma Road.”

    I tthink they finished it in the early 90s.

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  8. Witch
    lin4869  almost 14 years ago

    LOL, Smiley R Mom!

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  9. Cookie close
    Saucy1121 Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    @Rockngolfer I live in Norfolk. Last year, they finished the I64/Battlefield Blvd interchange. Before that, they replaced the drawbridge. I’m sure there’s still some part of it under construction.

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  10. Cat7
    rockngolfer  almost 14 years ago

    @Saucy, I haven’t been back there since 1985. For many years I lived close to Great Bridge, which is a two lane bridge 10 feet above the water that opened to boat traffic many times a day and snarled traffic.

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