Wizard of Id by Parker and Hart for September 07, 2020

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    mi_sbs  over 4 years ago

    There is no laboring for that parade.

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    I Mad Am I  over 4 years ago

    Not in my town. The Street Sweepers are still needed. Mostly to pick things out of bushes, pry out things stuffed into fences, and a constant carpet of those bloody paper masks!!! You would think these numbskulls would think to wait to throw them away when they got home! But no… within a block of any store! Fling! Idiots.

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    littlejohn Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Take what rest that you can. I predict that there will be an excess of Hot-Air blowing around the land for the next couple of months. All this excessive hot-air will ramp up the hurricanes, (they feed off of hot-air you know), East of the Rockies, thus scouring out the land with their wind and water. And West of the Rockies will be cleaned out by fire. All this because of an excessive amount of hot-air and hurt feelings for the two to three months.

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    krisannr.thompson  over 4 years ago

    Bong should peak out the door and if 20 people are following, well, there’s our parade. But Why? To pick up paper masks??

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    Troglodyte  over 4 years ago

    Too bad… so it kind of rained on their parade?

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    cdward  over 4 years ago

    Our community has never had a Labor Day parade. Just Memorial Day and Fourth of July.

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    jagedlo  over 4 years ago

    If you guys are off, then go home!

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    1953Baby  over 4 years ago

    SALUTE to all the workers who REALLY keep this country going: postal workers, first responders, garbage collectors, instant shoppers, street crews, construction crews, tech support, restaurant personnel, salespeople, . . .THANK YOU!

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    mlbrady30  over 4 years ago

    Come now, they saving the planet for the next generation.

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    sandpiper  over 4 years ago

    Guess all the shovels are in D.C.

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    petermerck  over 4 years ago

    I’m taking the day off looking for a job.

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I always thought that, perhaps for at least one parade to honor the veterans or the laborers, they could sit on the sidewalk and watch everyone else march past.

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    sfpasielaff  over 4 years ago

    Id has paved streets with storm sewers??

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    paranormal  over 4 years ago

    Not around here. The pandemic isn’t keeping anyone off the streets. The idiots think because businesses are opening back up, they can go back to the old norm. 75% to 95% of the covid-19 cases the last week or two have been in the 18 to 24 year old’s category. I know the kids across from me had a party this past week. There were 3 or 4 more cars than normal. But then, this is a college town…

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    j.l.farmer  over 4 years ago

    the streets and sidewalks look pretty clean there. they must have just finished up but won’t be needed later on.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 4 years ago

    Celebrate labor by not laboring? I’m good with it. Back to dispatch tomorrow.

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