Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for May 02, 2011

  1. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 14 years ago

    Duke doesn’t want to die (again).

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  2. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  almost 14 years ago

    Man, this is so appropriate today …

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  3. Skeleton roses
    David Hamilton  almost 14 years ago

    Bravo Zulu to DEVGRU (SEAL TEAM SIX) for taking out OBL!

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  4. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  almost 14 years ago

    I know he’s only one man, but a symbol was taken down today. I actually felt proud of America, our military and God help me, our President today. OK, I said it. We will never speak of this again.

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  5. Pak protecteur
    Rodney99  almost 14 years ago

    @lewreader: AGREED.

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  6. Avatar alberto
    albertonencioni  almost 14 years ago

    Bin Laden? I only see a lousily photoshopped photograph (they never have a functoning camera when it’s needed…) of a corpse tha could be anyone’s. After the weapons of mass destruction that did not exist, after anthrax who came from inside, after the planet-wide shame of Guantanamo and AbuGrahib USA needed a tangible symbol of success and power. And here you have poor Abdul Nobody promoted without merit to Public Enemy #1.

    Enjoy, and Welcome to Fantasyland !

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  7. Missing large
    Doughfoot  almost 14 years ago

    Bin Laden was not a well man, and we gave him the death he most desired, quick and violent, in battle. He did not have to die slowly of kidney failure.

    But it is far better for us that he didn’t die in secret, his body hidden away, so that the “faithful” could go on believing for decades that he he still lived somewhere. waiting to make a comeback.

    I can understand why we didn’t want his grave to become a shrine, and so buried him at sea. But I certainly hope they kept plenty of records so that they can prove that it was him they got.

    ( Of course, “prove” is relative. Nothing is ever actually proven, these days. Ask the flat earth society, the birthers, the ant-vaccination crowd, the ones who think the moon landing was a hoax, etc. Men’s capacity to believe what they want to believe in spite of all evidence to the contrary is almost infinite. When we disapprove, we call it stupid. When we approve, we call it faith. )

    Well, better late than never. Justice delayed is justice denied, as they say, but even so. Bin Laden got what asked for, and what he deserved.

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  8. Cat7
    rockngolfer  almost 14 years ago

    ^ The Man Will Never Fly Society still exists.

    So how about giving Obama some credit for doing what his worthless predecessor couldn’t?

    I didn’t think so.

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  9. Img00025
    babka Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Duke is already dead. When you murder, you die with the ones you kill. So Obama kept the promise that helped him get elected. So funny to hear him speak of a gunshot to the head and quick burial at sea as “justice”. vigilante justice, the living out of the Yale cowboy’s “dead or alive”. the wimp halfbreed, mocked for his talk softly carry a big Military stick comes through like the Little Engine That Could, yes we can yes he did. What did we do?

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  10. Missing large
    mblase75  almost 14 years ago

    Alberto: I thought it would take a LITTLE longer for the Trump-level conspiracy theories to start up. I should have known they’d be happening right here.

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  11. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 14 years ago

    That “POP” sounded more like someone left something in the microwave…

    As for Obama, if getting rid of Bin Laden doesn’t get him re-elected, nothing will…

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  12. Logo
    cdhaley  almost 14 years ago

    “When you murder, you die with those you kill,” says babka, echoing the christlib (Christian liberal ) view of justice preached from NYT editorials and other secular pulpits.

    The christlib urge to internalize violence and “die with those you kill” is merely a way of denying evil. Instead of reviving the memory of innocent victims, such denial insults them.

    Innocent victims of evil have a right to justice. Deferring that justice for the sake of christlib pipe dreams of “fair trials,” or extending due process to murderers like bin Laden and Khalid Sheik Mohammed,—such christlib “justice” does not safeguard our civil rights. Rather, it saps our faith in justice and makes us more barbarous.

    Thank God both our presidents—the “cowboy” and the Constitutional professor who succeeded him—have had the backbone to reject christlib denial. Had they not persisted in the cause of justice (christlibs call it revenge), the wound inflicted on us a decade ago would never have started to heal.

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  13. Avatar alberto
    albertonencioni  almost 14 years ago

    Sorry, guys, the picture is OFFICIALLY a fake. Without a trustworthy source, without a corpse, without a photo, you are back where you were yesterday, that is without any truth. When parties are over and beers and patriotic merchandising have been sold, meditate on this: your “intelligence” has taken another mediatic bloop

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  14. Logo
    cdhaley  almost 14 years ago

    Turn the other cheek to your foe and he’ll knock out your teeth.

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  15. Sour grapes
    odeliasimone  almost 14 years ago

    Well Obama needed a notch in his belt so they went out and got one for him.

    He is no different than any other president we have ever had. Gotta’ get the notches so that the emotions of the American Public are raised… the patriotic emotions…. nothing wrong with being patriotic but the focus is warped.

    Kind of like Calvin and Hobbes comic strip today. Now, we are one great big united country again! Obama did it! Yea!


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  16. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 14 years ago

    ^Record time for a hater to turn a US victory into something to envy President Obama about.


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  17. Missing large
    benzaholic  almost 14 years ago

    I must really be getting cynical in my old age. My first reaction to the OBL news was to question its authenticity, especially given the clear boost it should provide to President Obama. We’ll have to see how it plays out.

    Secondly, @palin drome, let’s say for a moment that when we have somebody that we “know” is guilty, that we dispense with the trial and go straight to the sentencing and execution. Now what about the ones that we’re just “pretty sure” are guilty? How do we make the distinction between “know” and “pretty sure,” and who makes that decision? As a society, we’ve chosen (or chosen to pretend) that the Rule of Law must apply. If we want to stick with that choice, then we must provide a reasonably fair trial to everybody. It’s one of the prices we must pay.

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  18. Engleknot face avatar small
    Steve Parmelee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Alberto, can you convince me you exist? I frankly have my doubts.

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  19. Avatar
    awaysaway  almost 14 years ago

    Its a great day. And yes we have hater trolls already - lets ignore them.

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  20. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  almost 14 years ago

    Don’t worry the official death certificate is coming. This isn’t fantasy land. He is dead and they will provide proof. No prob.

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  21. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 14 years ago

    I must say, I am a little surprised that Whats-his-name hadn’t thought of using the cyanide sooner… But then Jeff would still be in over his head in debt to Overkill if he had.


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  22. O p veteranpatch small
    randgrithr  almost 14 years ago

    Bring in PNAC - the ones who really did 9/11 - and I’ll be impressed.

    A nice quick and convenient “burial at sea” for a guy who’s probably already been dead already for six to nine years, strategically timed for an election year…. meh, not so much.

    So tired of the lies. So tired of the gullible kneejerk patriotic idiocy. So tired of watching my country get taken to the cleaners by a bunch of con men. Sigh.

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  23. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    GT drew it a while ago, crystal balls. SEALS rock! However, just think that if we hadn’t been wasting time in Iraq, and lives, this could have happened in ‘03 or ‘04 at the latest. It was an “intelligence job” that Duke understands, just like not expecting any from the “Texas twit” and his ego war.

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  24. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  almost 14 years ago


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  25. Avatar
    Mythreesons  almost 14 years ago

    The Muslim religion requires quick burial. Just think of the outrage in those countries if the body had not been treated according to their faith. Proves that America in not anti-Muslim, just anti-radical terrorists. And also agree the “sea burial” was a smart move on the planner of this raid. DNA taken from the body has been tested and compared to OBL’s sisters that was saved after her death. Give it up, Nay Sayers.

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  26. Missing large
    Carolo1  almost 14 years ago

    Our half black president killed Osama Bin Laden

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  27. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Where’s the death certificate?

    (Yeah, I’m just the 24 millionth person out with that joke.)

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  28. Avatar alberto
    albertonencioni  almost 14 years ago

    “Removing him also helps implant the idea that the US will go after a terrorist no matter how long it takes. ” Baslim, you probably are a good, sincere USA citizen and trust your government and your media system. This is honorable. The problem is that the majority of this planet does NOT recognize any moral superiority to USA, and think that Americans are the same mix of good and evil as anyone else, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan included, but you have bigger guns and fatter sandwiches, period. This story of faked pictures and invisible corpses just at the beginning of the presidential re-election campaign smells FOUL, sorry. USA (and Italy with you, alas) are stuck in Afghanistan were they are beating us really hard: we coudn’t go back home without a nice noisy “mission accomplished”. You hear the bells and trumpets and believe it is true, many others do not share this belief. Too many lies, too many shameful episodes were discovered, you become skeptical after WMDs and tortures and so on. In a few years we’ll have a new Wikileak, believe it or not. In the meantime, enjoy and celebrate. You can parade in Ground Zero and drink all the beers in the fridge, no deads will go back to their families, nor in USA or in Kabul or Bagdad (Iraqi and Afghani “collateral damages” had children and families, too). Our Pope quite Christianly said “You shouldn’t rejoyce over a killed man”

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  29. Photo  1
    thirdguy  almost 14 years ago

    Nice spin Alberto, It is always interesting, when the right wing wackos, accuse the Dems, of the BS, that the neo-cons have been doing all along.

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  30. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ^&Alberto; “I’ve got more important things to do.” Barry vs Trump, a couple days ago. If the the Seals say they got him, they got him. If you can’t trust the Seals…

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  31. Bla   version 2
    FriscoLou  almost 14 years ago

    Poor Alberto’s taking it pretty hard. Must be one of Hugo’s USA haters. I know how tough it must be now, with Gaddafi and all.

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  32. Img00025
    babka Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    yo, palindrone, it has nothing to do with denying evil, everything to do with Christ. Love thine enemies implies not killing them. If we are justified in putting a bullet in Osama’s head because he killed innocent people, then the suicide bombers of 9/11 were justified in their attack on the same grounds.

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  33. Avatar alberto
    albertonencioni  almost 14 years ago

    FriscoLou, I hate nobody. Someone is more a pain in the a$$ than others, but I have no reasons to hate. I simply do not believe this bombastic story of Osama’s death - it is too far-fetched. Occam razor says that the simplest explanation is generally the true one: with all the bombs that USA launched over Afghanistan after 9/11 it is very likely that BinLaden was killed THEN - in fact you never saw a video afterward, only audio clips so poorly recorded that the voice could be mine or yours. Since now you have videos of murderers ACTUALLY committing the killing, explosions in real time and all the most unimaginable events posted on YouTube, I find highly unlikely that Osama, if alive, would not have posted a videoclip of himself shouting “BOOOOOO”- hundred millions people would have made it in their pants, quite a satisfaction for a King of Terror. The faked picture is no a good sign. The corpse misteriously disappearing in the sea 2000 km away is not a good sign. DNA being analysed and certified as authentic by the same “intelligence” that certified the presence of WMDs in Iraq is NOT a good sign. It is not right vs left or Dems vs Reps, it’s good ole good sense. Even detective C-movies have a corpse, generally… not this story. Why? Why do we have pictures of everything, included tortures in AbuGrahib, and not even an i-phone pic of the dead Osama? It was a planned operation against a super-important target, they generally have reporters with them, yet the only photo is a fake. It’s not poor ME, man, it’s poor WE if we believe this BS… ;-))

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  34. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Spittle-rambling is not a sign of good reasoning.

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  35. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe  almost 14 years ago

    Bin Laden was an evil man & earned his death. But…

    If our enemies will put down the guns & bombs and negotiate for what they want, we should forgive them. Islam is not our enemy, the self interest of Arabs is not our enemy. There are plenty of legitimate grievances in the Middle East.

    Vengeance begets more vengeance.

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  36. Hat 1
    Dunwich Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    I served for 22.5 years in the military and I know how impossible it is to keep junior enlisted from running their mouths…if they say we got him, and if they say they saw the body or that they were on the ship that dumped the body…then we got him, and they dumped the body. Find me a ships crew that says otherwise and I’ll believe otherwise. There is no way you can shut up an entire crew or keep them from leaking the truth at some point…not gonna happen. Osama is dead.

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  37. Logo
    cdhaley  almost 14 years ago


    With only a small group of witnesses, a military officer read prepared religious remarks, which were translated into Arabic by a native speaker. Bin Laden’s body was placed on a board, tipped up and then “eased into the sea” from the carrier’s lowest deck, an official said.

    If babka (and Jesus) include mad Arabs among the enemies we must try to love, that merely shows their poor judgment. (Babka confirms his weak judgment when he equates Obama’s planned execution of a murderer with the 9/11 jihadists’ blind mayhem.)

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  38. Avatar alberto
    albertonencioni  almost 14 years ago

    …I am sure they dumped a body into the sea. The problem is NOBODY knows or saw WHOSE body. A photo, a simple, stupid, damned photo, Is it asking too much?

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  39. Img00025
    babka Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    palindrone, can you make a point without attacking others? resentment is drinking poison & waiting for the other person to die.

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