Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for September 08, 2020

  1. 16873788307 800b4ae7a8 b
    LastRoseofSummer Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Short sheet their beds, Annie. They deserve it!

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  2. 16873788307 800b4ae7a8 b
    LastRoseofSummer Premium Member over 4 years ago

    The horrible wildfires in California made for an extremely smokey day here in the valley. Visibility was about a mile and you could smell smoke. It did keep our temp down to about 102 tho. Cold front from the north will bring it down to 84 tomorrow . My new plants will be thankful The setting sun was a big red ball!

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  3. 20230319 170055
    laughingkitty  over 4 years ago

    Today is:

    National Ampersand Day

    National Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day. Every day should be nurses day – in all fields of nursing.

    National Another Look Unlimited Day. The day after Labor Day provides an opportunity for Fall cleaning. Are you feeling green? Has stuff piled up around the house since Spring cleaning time? This observance is a day dedicated to taking a look around your home and ridding it of the excess things you have accumulated. Think Spring cleaning meets Fall cleaning.It’s time to clear out the closets. Purge the attic. Donate toys and clothes. Tidy up, clean up and put to use those items that have a purpose!

    National Ants on a Log Day. This day has nothing to do with ants or logs. It’s a snack made by spreading peanut butter on celery and putting raisins on top. I like raisins and peanut butter, but I am not crazy about celery, so I’ll opt out on this one.

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  4. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  over 4 years ago

    Time for Tuesday Cats!
























    Tuesday Bonus Bunnies!!











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  5. Image
    diskus Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I got some ideas for that wet mop

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  6. Booboo
    bbear  over 4 years ago

    BBEAR’s Tuesday posts:

    1. This can’t be a good thing.


    2. Words of wisdom.


    3. A cute kitten post: ok, but stay out of the cheese puffs this time.


    4. Ralph is working hard on his catmoflauge.


    5. Ralph wonders why everyone automatically blames the obviously well fed cat. (Burp).


    6. For the elebenth time, I won’t take a bath!


    7. What? Another picture, Karen?


    8. No puppy here. Move along, there’s nothing to see here.


    9. Cats feel they are entitled to their laziness.


    10. Tabby is so lazy that he has figured out that tripping the hamster instead of chasing him is less work.


    11. Share something with someone you love.


    12. A cute kitten post: that day when the pet barrier is no longer a barrier.


    13. A Tuesday Sarcasm post: would you say that again, it almost made sense?


    14. It’s either dinner time or cocktail hour somewhere. (And kitty is late.)


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  7. 072fb87b 7b93 4988 887f 25775e1e4d74
    Popcorn   over 4 years ago

    In the case of these two…ignorance is bliss!

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  8. 041ce150 741f 443a aa6a 84618520b989 1 201 a
    jessegooddoggy  over 4 years ago

    When they return from Mousies they’ll be lucky to find their beds. Our sky was dark brown yesterday afternoon from 2 huge fires burning over the crest, a photo I put on FB had over 400 views within a few hours. High winds today, we are all on edge watching for any new starts. (I am safe from those currently burning). Yesterday the unprecedented move to shut down nearly all the national forests in California was made – all campers, hikers and lodgers were asked to leave before dark. Scary times, so much destruction with no end in sight.

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  9. Resized 20210528 163948
    Queen of America Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Let them wash their own little kitty mats. In the “olden” days, they’d be scrubbing them by hand and then hanging them on the outside line.

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  10. Chai
    Perkycat  over 4 years ago

    “Anything else” was being sarcastic, Chesney. Get a clue! And make your own bed!!

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  11. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  over 4 years ago

    Whatever happened to…


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  12. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  over 4 years ago

    Sunday had enough smoke in the air where I could only see the outline of mountains that are normally very visible. Coming home from Michigan Sunday I could only see a big gray wall as I drove westward after exiting the highway, in places where I usually can see distant peaks. Monday morning I could see a light dusting of sooty ash on the cooler I had set outside. It was on my truck too.

    Labor day sunset.



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  13. Bluebell s kittens
    Mary  over 4 years ago

    I’m heading back to Boston tomorrow for the first time since last November. Flights in March and May were cancelled. I’ll have to quarantine (until I get tested, which I intend to do asap) but there are four residents, four foster panthers and a mum with three one-week-old tinies to keep me entertained.

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  14.  h366 w650 m6 otrue lfalse
    tad1  over 4 years ago

    Great pictures today. :)

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  15.  h366 w650 m6 otrue lfalse
    tad1  over 4 years ago

    Annie should put itching powder in the beds of those two ungrateful twerps! (Sorry if that sounds mean.) On another note, saw four dragonflies, a robin, and a rabbit while out walking today.

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