It’s not a lack of intelligence when kids put foreign objects in odd places. When I worked for ear-nose-and-throat doctors, it was amazing how many kids put things in their ears and noses. The dangerous thing was when they swallowed a foreign object. It could get stuck, or even go down the windpipe instead of the esophagus. That could often require emergency surgery to remove.
monkeysky over 4 years ago
A little frog? Nice choice
Leroy over 4 years ago
BION: I walked to the mailbox.
[Now that the bar has been lowered regarding what is amazing, I thought I’d join in.]
pearlsbs over 4 years ago
She’s going to have to live with that tattoo for the rest of her life.
therese_callahan2002 over 4 years ago
Come and get those emus, Doug! LOL!
jpayne4040 over 4 years ago
“Oh, that’s where I put that Lego!” I wonder if little Sameer even wants it now.
SharkNose over 4 years ago
I want a blue strawberry…
Gent over 4 years ago
Well, what’d ya know. Even strawberry has flavours.
The Pro from Dover over 4 years ago
I thought you were going to say Dorothy left lockdown to lick one of those psychedelic toads.
J Short over 4 years ago
If you let a strawberry sit long enough, it will usually become white. You wouldn’t want to eat it.
J Short over 4 years ago
The Emus had been warned about smoking in the pub and not paying their tab. They were awful tippers, and often stiffed the waitstaff.
Huckleberry Hiroshima over 4 years ago
You might be one of the dumber New Zealanders around, Sameer.
Take care and gesundheit.
poppacapsmokeblower over 4 years ago
What will her tattoo look like when Dorthy gets old?
smurf764 over 4 years ago
One of the banned Emus left the bar and got a job displaying “bad” on obnoxious insurance tv ads
ncorgbl over 4 years ago
Sameer Anwar’s parents are still looking for their car.
Do not eat the black ones.
Upon getting her tattoo Dorothy Pollack joined the Wolverine Watchmen militia.
The Australian Outback Pub has a policy of no insurance sales on the premises.
dmagoon202ii over 4 years ago
What was the “bad behavior” the emus did?
jmcenanly over 4 years ago
How do you ban emus? They probably follow instructions about as well as cats, and they tend to look alike to humans.
Ricky Bennett over 4 years ago
The two emus were too emu-tional…
spaced man spliff over 4 years ago
Why don’t we see the non-red strawberries in the more progressive food outlets or farmers’ markets?
craigwestlake over 4 years ago
The emus refused to stop singing obscene lyrics set to “Waltzing Matilda”…
finnygirl Premium Member over 4 years ago
It’s not a lack of intelligence when kids put foreign objects in odd places. When I worked for ear-nose-and-throat doctors, it was amazing how many kids put things in their ears and noses. The dangerous thing was when they swallowed a foreign object. It could get stuck, or even go down the windpipe instead of the esophagus. That could often require emergency surgery to remove.
pbr50138 over 4 years ago
I wonder how the tattooist made her skin tight enough to tattoo on?