Aunty Acid by Ged Backland for November 29, 2020

  1. Bead braid p
    I Mad Am I  over 4 years ago

    If there are only two… what about the ones who only shower?

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  2. Rudy says hello
    Lucy Rudy  over 4 years ago

    Who would pee in their bath water??

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  3. Cardinal2
    Kkrnc74 Premium Member over 4 years ago


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  4. Marvin
    Marvin Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Aunty, is that every Saturday or the first of each month?

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  5. Apollo 11 launch 04
    Steverino Premium Member over 4 years ago

    There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who know binary, and those who don’t.

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  6. Atheism 007
    Michael G.  over 4 years ago

    Is this an English custom, Aunty? :-o

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  7. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 4 years ago

    Speak for yourself. We don’t use bathtubs.

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    fuzzbucket Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Pee is sterile. A couple of hundred years ago it was used to wash wounds, and it worked a lot better than the ‘doctors’ of the period.

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    Vangoghdog01  over 4 years ago

    When I was a student at the University of Florida in the early 1960s, it was very common for the frats to slip their pledges a dye (Methylene Blue, I think) that turned their pee a bright blue-green. So, yes, i have seen unsuspecting pledges turn the water around them in the pool blue-green.

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  10. Karin 12 10 20
    karlykru Premium Member over 4 years ago

    It’s perfect logic for one who drinks alcohol a wee bit too much!

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    pearlyqim  over 4 years ago


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    grndmommy1  over 4 years ago

    That’s gross!

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  13. Stinker
    cuzinron47  over 4 years ago

    Way to validate your own dirty habits.

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  14. Cousins 1 2021
    Natarose  over 4 years ago

    I can’t take a bath…the tub isn’t big enough for me I am 5’10" and the tub is only about 5 feet long

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    clynnb1224 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    i have knee problems, so i do showers & have peed in the shower as well..i am NOT getting out, just 2 slip on the toilet 2 piss!!

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    crash3289.  over 4 years ago

    I was once asked why women wash their hands BEFORE they go to the bathroom. At the time I had no idea why. Now I know since I’m older. We’re just washing our hands in warm water, hence the warm water makes us want to pee, and once we dry our hands, off to the head we go! Same when warm or hot shower water falls on us, can’t control it! (I’ve not taken a bath in 42 years!) I don’t like bathing in my own dirty water. What do you think the scum around the tub is? Your skin cells stuck to the bubbles/soap.

    Aunty has it right!

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  17. Photo
    Wanye  over 4 years ago

    Peeing in the shower is ecologically and economically sound. Peeing in the bath water is a sign you need help.

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  18. Thundercats
    LrdSlvrhnd  over 4 years ago

    Shower yes, bath no. Of course, I don’t even fit in a bath now.

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  19. Toughcat
    bakana  over 4 years ago

    I’ve always preferred to take Showers.

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  20. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Ew, Aunty! Your body is getting rid of that stuff for a reason. Plus it doesn’t smell good.

    I have a walk-in tub with a hand-held shower. I’d only void in the tub if it was draining, which takes two minutes. Trying to rush to the toilet would mean a fall, and we found out Dad and hubby can’t pick me up without me getting hurt. Nimitz sits on the seat in the mornings to sun himself with no other cats bothering him. It’s hilarious! A cat who wants to be in the tub! The other two like the shower since it’s like a cave. The tub has a heated seat as well. It’s nice in winter.

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  21. Image001
    dogday Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Well THAT just added to my infinity-length list of reasons not to sit in a tub of hot water like a bloody tea bag! YEEEECCCHHH!

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