Believing in astrology and passing a logic exam are not mutually exclusive. It’s been like 30 years since formal logic class or I’d give it to you in the proper notation. Lots of sideways U letters and letters with lines over them.
In a similar vein, the professor addresses his class: The Unites States are bordered on the north by Canada, on the south by Mexico, on the east by the Atlantic ocean, and on the west by the Pacific ocean. How old am I.
Student raises his hand: You’re 44 years old.
Professor : Correct! How did you deduce this?Student: I have a cousin who is 22 and is only half crazy.
mddshubby2005 about 4 years ago
Obviously you passed – it’s the grade-tabulation that’s fraudulent. I’d have Rudy sue!
wiatr about 4 years ago
This is all highly illogical. ;-]
tudza Premium Member about 4 years ago
Believing in astrology and passing a logic exam are not mutually exclusive. It’s been like 30 years since formal logic class or I’d give it to you in the proper notation. Lots of sideways U letters and letters with lines over them.
Walrus Gumbo Premium Member about 4 years ago
You also failed Personal Accountability 1A.
dcandmx about 4 years ago
A Leo prof might fail a Taurus but highly unlikely to fail a Pisces unless they procrastinated. Or maybe Neptune was Retrograde ….
Random Nick Premium Member about 4 years ago
In a similar vein, the professor addresses his class: The Unites States are bordered on the north by Canada, on the south by Mexico, on the east by the Atlantic ocean, and on the west by the Pacific ocean. How old am I.
Student raises his hand: You’re 44 years old.
Professor : Correct! How did you deduce this?Student: I have a cousin who is 22 and is only half crazy.
dflak about 4 years ago
It’s human nature to blame forces beyond yourself for your own failures.
Some of us overcome this tendency: it’s called growing up.
Plods with ...™ about 4 years ago
That sounds about right.
mountainclimber about 4 years ago
Astrophysicists horoscope:Leo — the stars don’t matter. Pisces — the starts don’t matter. Capricorn — the stars don’t matter. etc.
gammaguy about 4 years ago
Rudy Sue… is that what they call him when he’s wearing a dress?
rich5021 about 4 years ago
Sounds like fuzzy logic to me.
zerotvus about 4 years ago
the definition of logic……….sane.
danketaz Premium Member about 4 years ago
A good excuse doesn’t have to make sense, just sound good.
Stephen Gilberg about 4 years ago
Wrong zodiac. It’s because you’re a Dog and he’s a Dragon.
COL Crash about 4 years ago
On the campus of Trump U.
Saddenedby Premium Member about 4 years ago
way too many people reason this way. read the comments.
read the comments. the comments are blue. why are they blue? because they aren’t red. huh?
cha0ss Premium Member about 4 years ago
You can always tell us Leos. We’re the ones who don’t believe in Astrology.