Continuing to gather this year gambles one’s future possibilities of having a next year and risks the futures of other folks. Apparently healthy longevity is no longer of interest for some.
I spent 25 years in military service. I’ve missed first steps, school plays, football games, concerts and just about every holiday on the calendar EXCEPT Christmas. For some reason I made all of them including one where I arrived at 7:30 in the morning after traveling 45 hours from the other side of the globe. I watched the sun rise three times on that trek.
This year, I am fairly certain that I will be home for Christmas again.
This year I am going to have to go out of my way to donate to the Salvation Army – Since I am in the fortunate position where I can “hunker down” and stay safe, I don’t pass their bell ringing volunteers with their kettles.
I am also a donator to the USO. I’ve seen them in action: on one Christmas Eve, I and my crew and our C-130, brought a 5-piece band and Christmas Presents to the Coast Guard detachment staffing the LORAN station on Iwo Jima. The weather was below minimums and according to regulations, I should not have even attempted the approach. I made it and as we rolled down the runway, we literally got a standing ovation from the crowd waiting to meet us. Santa gets a less enthusiastic reception at the Thanksgiving Day Parade. Seeing the happiness on the Coasties’ faces (particularly the younger troops) was one of the best Christmas presents I ever gave myself.
So this Christmas, I urge you, if you can’t go out, look out and look after neighbors who wish that they could be trapped with family in a warm house with food.
Superfrog about 4 years ago
And a happy next year.
sevaar777 about 4 years ago
All I want is to leave this insane asylum of a Nation.
sandpiper about 4 years ago
Continuing to gather this year gambles one’s future possibilities of having a next year and risks the futures of other folks. Apparently healthy longevity is no longer of interest for some.
Prayers for all, no matter their choices.
dflak about 4 years ago
This Christmas will be different.
I spent 25 years in military service. I’ve missed first steps, school plays, football games, concerts and just about every holiday on the calendar EXCEPT Christmas. For some reason I made all of them including one where I arrived at 7:30 in the morning after traveling 45 hours from the other side of the globe. I watched the sun rise three times on that trek.
This year, I am fairly certain that I will be home for Christmas again.
This year I am going to have to go out of my way to donate to the Salvation Army – Since I am in the fortunate position where I can “hunker down” and stay safe, I don’t pass their bell ringing volunteers with their kettles.
I am also a donator to the USO. I’ve seen them in action: on one Christmas Eve, I and my crew and our C-130, brought a 5-piece band and Christmas Presents to the Coast Guard detachment staffing the LORAN station on Iwo Jima. The weather was below minimums and according to regulations, I should not have even attempted the approach. I made it and as we rolled down the runway, we literally got a standing ovation from the crowd waiting to meet us. Santa gets a less enthusiastic reception at the Thanksgiving Day Parade. Seeing the happiness on the Coasties’ faces (particularly the younger troops) was one of the best Christmas presents I ever gave myself.
So this Christmas, I urge you, if you can’t go out, look out and look after neighbors who wish that they could be trapped with family in a warm house with food.
Make this Christmas about someone else.
Zen-of-Zinfandel about 4 years ago
Your future looks bright, hang those outdoor Christmas lights.
Jim2g about 4 years ago
You just have to buy a ticket, byby